WandaVision on Disney+ (spoilers after first post)

I guess she fabricated that? It was odd now that I think of it.

Yeah, that’s kinda where I’m at, too. There should’ve been something substantial by now, some indication that everything we’ve seen so far actually builds towards… something, and we haven’t just seen an hour of faffing about that’s not going to really advance any sort of plot because it’s just all in somebody’s head. I guess I’m just hoping for some indication that there’s a plan at work, here, and not just somebody coming up with a clever-sounding idea and then spinning their wheels in the hope that it’ll be enough to keep people engaged.

I mean, I’m still on board, and if they pull it off, it could be a really cool series, a bit of ‘Legion’ injected into the more mainstream Marvel world, but a bit more to go on would really be nice.

MCU has never let me down - I’m sticking with it.

I stuck with ST:DISCO season 3 - so that might mean I’m a glutton for punishment

That being said - I was a little underwhelmed - largely I think because of the annoying laughtrack, even if that was part and parcel of that era of sitcoms. I don’t know who any of the neighbors are supposed to be, or if they are supposed to be anyone at all. The ‘Neighborhood Queen’ certainly seems like more of a ‘real’ char instead of just background /fill in.

Most notably, we saw bee guy right after a Hydra bit. The helicoptor, not so sure.

In the end - I think we’re not supposed to understand/get whats going on yet - because Wanda doesn’t either. And they are doing a fantastic job of selling that.

This feels like a series that should have dropped all its episodes at once.

To me this is EXACTLY the sort of series that would have been ruined by dropping all its episodes all at once! Avoiding spoilers would have been very hard to do. OTOH each week the we will gather around the virtual water cooler each sharing our ideas and speculations, being lead by clues meant to mislead.

I’m personally leading to a computer enhanced alternate virtual reality.

I am open to the considerations that we do not know WHEN this occurs. For all we know this could be something that fits into a time before Endgame, not after.

I’d be frustrated if it is instead in one of the alternate timelines of the multiverse they’ve now created. That just seems cheap to me.

Question - did anyone in the late 50s to early 60s go “pew pew” when pretend shooting? DOES that date to Flash Gordon days or to Star Wars?

Star Wars, if I recollect properly. It’s another anachronism.

I disagree, it’s not a dream or a memory. She could literally be creating the TV show itself in her mind.

I quite liked the first two episodes. I can see people being disappointed that there was only a little bit of the central mystery, and most of the time was spent on the sitcom stuff. My hope is that the balance will shift as the episodes go by, with focus moving to the mystery more and more.

For predictions, I’ll make two, with nothing to back them up! First, the structure of the show will be to keep moving forward by a decade per episode. Next week will be a 70s episode, then an 80s, etc. Second, the big plot reveal will be that Wanda is trying to reconstruct Vision, she’s become entangled with him somehow in the process, and things like the voice in the radio are people trying to help her from whatever facility she & Vision are in.

Disney+‘s background still for the show does show them in color with more modern clothing, so I am guessing it will advance in “time”, so to speak. I thought I had heard they would imitating various decades’ sitcoms, though that may not be the case.

David Lynch must have loved that “Stop it, Stop it, Stop it,” segment where the lady freaked out. Kind of like the “Gotta light?” guy from Twin Peaks S3.

Who is calling to her from the radio? It does not sound like Bruce or any other avenger, does it? I thought Steve Rogers, but he is now an old man, so probably not. Dr. Strange? He works with magic, so maybe.


I don’t think that anybody is doing this to Wanda. I think the last scene of episode two when she rewound time shows that she is in control. And I think the scene in episode one where the husband was choking hints that the people populating the town are real people that have been trapped by Wanda and have been forced to “play a role.” I’m imagining that Wanda has created a “bubble” of some sort and taken over a real small town, and on the outside people are trying to figure out what exactly is going on. Hence the messages, the helicopter (drone) and the beekeeper incursion.

I look forward to be proven wrong :slight_smile:

After seeing the 2nd episode I’m intrigued enough to continue. I will say I was not really into episode 1. It was way too much of a straight “cheesy 50s sitcom I Love Lucy take-off.” Until the lady freaked out at the table I was almost wanting to turn it off because it was just a B&W 50s sitcom.

The beekeeper made me think of Advanced Idea Mechanics or A.I.M., a recurring evil organization in Marvel comics with minions dressed in outfits supposedly reminiscent of beekeepers. The commercial in the episode was for a Strucker watch, and Baron Strucker was the leader of A.I.M. at one time.

The creators are working knowing what happened with Westworld, where the group process solved the puzzles and functionally spoiled the twists for regular viewers. Knowing that, I am pretty sure there will be many things that seem like they have to be clues that are not, only there to hide and distract from the ones that in retrospect will have been obvious ones.

Could it be very similar to that? The precedent is that very powerful telekinetic minds can create very strange things to cope. Is this her having created her safe place to hide from her grief? How many of us watched stupid sitcoms growing up to escape with? Do it now with watching these shows!? Maybe she created a sitcom world to literally hide within? To avoid overwhelming grief? And her friends might not know that she did it to herself but are trying to get inside whatever it is and pull her out?

I would be amused if the S.W.O.R.D. agent watching the show turns out to be Daisy Johnson, although it could be Maria Hill or some character that would be new to us like Abigail Brand.

There are two shorts you can get to from the WandaVision “home screen” on Disney+. One short about Wanda, and one about Vision. Quick recaps of the characters, with background on the stone and great scenes of Wanda tele-kicking ass in Endgame.

Or you could rewatch Endgame…

Oh, and I agree that the Tom King “Vision” series is amazing, and kind of dovetails with this show. But I’d hate to tell you to read that now… no way the show will be as good:)

Ooh, that Vision series is on Comixology.

And the first graphic novel (issues1-6) is only $4.

It totally buys into the “bending reality due to trauma” scenario.

But y’know, even if they take too long to “get the plot goin’ already, Marvel!”, WandaVision is still a blast.
(I’d told the family I was cancelling Dismal+ after Mandalorian, but now I have to contradict myself, and admit I’m hooked…)

Doubtful this takes place before Endgame what with Wanda being an Ex-Wanda.at the time. She was singing the choir eternal.

The person calling Wanda over the radio is Jimmy Woo, The FBI guy in Antman…personally I was wanting it to be Hawkeye, as they have a connection in the comics.

Loved the Struecker watch ad (Hydratech!)

After WandaVision, there’ll be The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, then after that is Loki, then after that is Ms Marvel, and then after that is Hawkeye, all on Disney+. It’s possible that the feature films Black Widow, the Eternals, Shang-Chi, and Spidey3 will all come out on Disney+ simultaneously with the cinema release, but if not it won’t be a long wait after. That’s pretty much an entire year non-stop of new Marvel.

And then Star Wars starts again, with Boba Fett and more Mandalorian, leading into 2022 when there will be Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor, and possibly more Marvel TV like She-Hulk and Secret Invasion and possibly a second season for some of 2021’s offerings.

The point is, stick around with Disney+. You’ll be well served.

Is there any reason other than a similar first name to think that the helpful neighbor Agnes is the witch Agatha Harkness? She seems like the kind of character that would be dropped into Wanda’s coping reality to help shepherd her through her trauma and make it out the other side. In fact, the ‘50s-‘60s sitcom setting would seem to be more the product of someone Agatha’s age than that of an Eastern European millennial.