Want a girl to like you? Annoy her to death!!! (long)

Umm, Guadere, that was a 555 number. Numbers starting with the 555 prefix aren’t real. It’s not anybody’s. Haven’t you noticed that people’s phone numbers in TV/movies always begin with 555? It’s 'cause they’refake.

And, on the offchance you were NOT joking UnuMondo, even if this was my husband, I’d see it as a serious problem.

Anybody who needs that much reassurance, and is not prepared to back-off when given many subtle and then NOT-so-subtle hints has some major psychiatric issues happening. This situation can be extremely scary because you never know to what lengths such a person will go to ensure your attention.

Again, I recommend getting some prof. advice MeanOldLady.

Guadere: Cecil speaks on the 555 thing. He doesn’t mention in in this column (though I’m sure he does in one I couldn’t find), but remember that 867-9305 song? Can you guess how many people called that number just to see what would happen?

Er, 867-5309. Not 867-9305.

But, Cessandra, the 555 isn’t the area code, it’s the exchange. There’s no way that 555-LICK or 555-1234 could be anything but a fake number.

Is Gaudere not an American, by the way?

So does this mean a Mod/Admin has been sincerely whooshed?
PAR-TAAY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ll bring the food and a banner that reads “wooshed”…

Fine, so I didn’t read the bloody number before I deleted it. :smiley:

MeanOldLady, I really like your post. Great. Fantastic. I really like you. I mean, your post has inspired me. I think you are Gods’s gift to this planet. I think you’d like me too. I know you would. You may not realize it now, but we would be just so good together. I not only love your style, your petulance, your panache, but I love everything about you. Go ahead, tell me to fuck off, it just hurts me more and makes me want you more. Let’s just kiss and make up like the true lovers that we are. Come closer to the screen. Closer, dear. MMMwah! My life is so miserable without you. Doesn’t that make you want me, as desperately as I want you? Or are you thinking of HIM. I thought so! You’re rude and stupid. Why can’t you see that you love me? Shall I phone you in the middle of the night and threaten suicide? That would work, I know. It would show you how adorable and trustworthy I am. If you’re with HIM I shall come over and pull out my epee. Then you would want me.

Yours evermore

:: leave town ::

Ignore FranticMad, you need me as much as I need you. Only you just dont know it yet. Can I call?when?Date tomorrow? not good? Ok monday??? Tuesday then?? wednesday??no? thursday??..

Okay. Sorry 'bout that.

Sympathetic with most of the OP – but I do think blowing off plans because you got a better offer was poor taste.

According to Miss Manners, as I recall, only illness, death in the family, or an invitation to the White House, were sufficient cause to break an engagement.

I’m not sure I adopt that extreme an approach, but I do think this was a poor show on the OP’s part.

I will slay Tony Montana to prove my love for you, because that is what you need from a man. I am free now. Tonight. No? okay. Tomorrow then. Yes. I will come by your place and watch until you appear. Then the next day too. Why do you toy with me? Tell me what you want of me. I will do it. Anything. Ask your friends for advice. They will tell you to be nice to me. So, my true love, be nice to your amorosa. Do not be afraid. Do not be very afraid.

Well, I’m a guy who’s had my fair share of rejection.

But, rather than post the 117th ironic post where I compel you to just give me a chance baby…

I’ll just say that I agree. Blowing off a date is rude if your just upgrading your social calendar, but it was pretty clear that you had no interest in this person when you blew them off, and leading someone on can be just as mean.

As someone with a girlfriend who has shown some disturbingly similar tendancies, good luck and I hope this guy gets both the picture and the bigger picture: you’re a nice guy with potential, but you’re smothering.

Good night.

I don’t think MOL is being drama queen-y. Sounds like she was just trying to be nice to this guy and let him down easy (almost impossible to do with a lot of guys, you have to be direct and mean, or anything less than a FOAD they hear they take as encouragement), and finally had to be mean, which ticked her off even MORE.

So, she came on hear and spilled the whole unpleasant episode in a rant.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, reminds me of a guy who was a one-time boyfriend for about 6 months.

When I broke up with him, he called and whined and pleaded to have me back.

His reasoning? I was just making excuses not to love him. I COULD love him if I wanted to, but I was doing it (not loving him) on purpose just to be a brat. ??ruuuuHuuHH?? (scooby doo).

He refused to believe that it was just that I didn’t feel anything for him, his reasoning was that he was so great, I couldn’t possibly not love him, so I’d decided to “make up” the reasons we didn’t mesh (like him wanting a Suzie Homemaker, and me being a total career girl, yeah right I reaaaaaaaaally want to wash your undies, I’ve just “decided” I don’t love being June Cleaver in order to annoy you).

MOL’s weird date is proof that girls aren’t always the clingy needy ones.

I do have to agree with what some of the other poster’s hear said though. If you had agreed upon a specific date for the weekend with him, it wasn’t right to blow him off for a better offer.

If it was just a non-specific “we’ll do something sometime this weekend” though and you had not yet made plans with him, and then informed him of the change on Wednesday, he really has no reason to gripe.

So you think that was funny giving me that 555 number huh?

I’ll find you. And I will make you love me.

Reading over this thread, I realize proofreading is a beautiful thing. I should try it one day. Anywho,

what’s funny, Tony Montana, is that he actually did this. He wanted to see me the very next day. After I told him I was busy, he opted for the day after that. Still busy, he inquired about the day after that. I cut him short right there and told him to wait til Saturday. Come Wednesday things got ugly (err - uglier, rather) after I informed him I would not be there for our little engagement on Saturday. Yes, I know that’s in poor taste. I’ll admit I effed up on that one, but holy begonias, was the whining really called for? Did he think it would be a good idea to nag and guilt trip me to death? Did he really think all the jealousy and insecurity was working to his advantage? Who the hell told him it would be smart to call me in the middle of the night with his sob story? And how do I go about filing a restraining order? I think I need to do something about FranticMad, Tony Montana and djf750.

<Fatal Attraction>
I will not be ignored!!
<fatal Attraction>
::sniff:: No you dont need to do nuthin’::sniff:: fine I’m gone! forget about us!

Joking aside at least you saw his true colors early on…

Don’t you worry your pretty little head over tony and frantic.

I’ll take care of those losers for you.

Then you will be mine.

ALL mine.


And Ever.

You could always try the Andy Dick Method for dealing with stalkers: sleep with them. IIRC, she eventually left him alone.