“Want to earn money? Steal beer!”

According to this article, you could make 100K a night. I didn’t know Modelo was so valuable.

Read it again.

They stole multiple $100K worth of beer over 2 years.

The hired teams of thieves were paid “hundreds of dollars a night.” Maybe that’s 4 guys sharing $800, so not great wages, but better than working at McDs.

The recruiting ads claimed a good worker could make $100k+ per month. If legit business recruiters lie massively about the income potential of piecework- or commission-based jobs, how honest do you think a criminal gang recruiter would be?

The men face seven federal criminal counts, including charges under the 1946 Hobbs Act governing interference with interstate commerce, equating to decades of prison time.

Now that’s what I call a bad hangover.

Yeah, the OP’s summary is … piss poor at best. An AI would summarize it better than that.

Deleted. Thought better of my words.

Jeeze…harsh crowd here. The ads said they could make $100K+ per month. Maybe not that much in a night, but close enough. Of course, all reasonable folks would pass over any ads like that, but they weren’t aiming for reasonable.

Anyway, interesting story. And something not mentioned in the story (please forgive me if I missed this and don’t crucify me or say AI is smarter than me…I fucking already know that!): How did the ringleader know where the beer was located?

Edit to add that they targeted beverage distribution centers. OK, got it. They were going to the Corona or Modelo distribution centers. Not just picking train cars at random and hoping they had some beer.

Which is still an order of magnitude plus (without context) of what was claimed in the OP. Sorry, I’ve been lately rating human vs AI summaries and so my irritation may be bleeding into my response.

The pay may not be great, but I bet they got free beer, so that’s something.

Humans make mistakes. AI is not supposed to but it still struggles to add 2+2. I like to cut the humans the slack and make fun of AI.

Would you like $100 for your night or 10 cases of beer? I know which I would take :beers:

Yeah, but this is where I want basic human summaries to win. That’s my irritation.

My biggest irritation is it takes so much fucking electrical power for AI to be wrong.

So now I’m basic? (100% kidding.)

Hey, keep your hands off that stuff. That beer’s from one of the few local firms doing good business.

Constellation Brands has two breweries in Mexico that produce Corona and Modelo beer for the US market.”

That’s right. Corona and Modelo - now the bestselling beer in America - are made by an Upstate New York company. Enjoy!

I know of Corona, but had not heard of Modelo until today.

As an amateur brewer and hater of Corona, I would urge these thieves to target breweries that bottle their beer in dark glass.

10 cases? Sorry, but I’m unwilling to cut back drinking that much.

How did they get the beer out? $100,000 worth of beer (per night, month, or whatever) works out to about 3,000 cases, which weighs 120,000 pounds. According to one online calculator, that would require 4 semi trailers. Are the theives carrying the beer out by hand through a hole in the fence? Does no one notice a semi trailer parked by the fence gradually being loaded up with beer?

I feel like James Bond doing the math to figure out how many trucks it would take to steal the gold from Fort Knox.

Modelo isn’t bad at all. Both their light and dark versions are better than Coors/Bud/Miller etc.

My beef is that Negra Modelo used to be a very common beer at Mexican restaurants. It’s good, and it’s always been hard to find anywhere other than at Mexican restaurants.

So then Modelo (the brewery) came out with the lager Modelo Especiale which is not materially different from every other Mexican lager such as Corona, Pacifico, etc. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing especially right either.

Which then caused most Mexican restaurants to drop Negra for Especiale and now finding Negra anywhere is hard.

Of course if more Americans wanted anything but insipid lagers as beer we’d have less of these kinds of problems.

[RANT off]

Modelo Especial dates back to 1925, according to their own website. Hot climates tend to like light lagers. It’s not just an “American” thing.