[guest question] - - - I need a commercially difficult-to-beat chess program there is. It must run on a WinXP laptop. Anybody know of any site where such programs are ranked by difficulty?
Fritz 8, I’m not sure if that’s the actual name of the game, but if you’ve got a good comp, it gets more and more difficult
Here’s a good, recent (Feb 2003) list ranking the top 50 chess programs.
Shredder 7.0 comes in number 1, with Deep Fritz 7.0 getting the silver. They both top the 2760 rating. Testing hasn’t ended on Fritz 8.0.
The February issue of Games Magazine had an article on the latest ‘computer program versus the Grandmaster’ contest, and an off-the-shelf title beat one of the big names (Kasparov?) a couple times.
I don’t remember the titles of the software but you can probably find out easily enough.
Chessmaster 9000 is the best chess game out there and it will kick your ass.