Wanted: Japanese rock sculptures, , , -I think

      • Ages ago I saw some rock sculptures that could be described as “rocks with so many holes in them, most of the rock was gone”. They were dark stone, all worn smooth and curvy, I *think * they were Japanese, and might have been naturally-formed… -I’m recalling this from seeing photos of some 15+ years ago. These were not typical rock gardens, but each was an idividual piece, maybe a cubic yard or so in size, treated as an individual sculpture. Anybody know what th’L I mean? I can’t turn up any images of what I am speaking of on Google…

Good luck with your search. In the meantime there is this: OrigamiBoulder.com. Enjoy.

I think you’re talking about suiseki or scholar’s stones. I first learned about these at Boston’s Museum of Fine Art, but the museum’s website wasn’t much help. Try going to http://www.luckywonders.com/Suiseki.htm#Suiseki. Those look like what you’re talking about?

      • Nope, shorin. WHat I am remembering is somewhat like a few of those stones but larger, and with more holes, as it where. The ones I remember weren’t like “a stone with big holes drilled through it”, they were more like an open-celled sponge…