War Heroes IV - Justin D. Lehew

Previous War Heroes Threads - Brian Chontosh
Jason Dean Cunningham
Britt Slabinski

The President of the United States
Takes Pleasure in Presenting
The Navy Cross

Justin D. Lehew
United States Marine Corps

For Services as Set Forth in the Following


For extraordinary heroism as Amphibious Assault Platoon Sergeant, Company A, 1st Battalion, 2d Marines, Task Force Tarawa, I Marine Expeditionary Force in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 23 and 24 March 2003.

As Regimental Combat Team 2 attacked north towards An Nasiriyah, Iraq, lead elements of the Battalion came under heavy enemy fire. When the beleaguered United States Army 507th Maintenance Company convoy was spotted in the distance, Gunnery Sergeant Lehew and his crew were dispatched to rescue the soldiers.

Under constant enemy fire, he led the rescue team to the soldiers. With total disregard for his own welfare, he assisted the evacuation effort of four soldiers, two of whom were critically wounded. While still receiving enemy fire, he climbed back into his vehicle and immediately began suppressing enemy infantry.

During the subsequent company attack on the eastern bridge over the Euphrates River, Gunnery Sergeant Lehew continuously exposed himself to withering enemy fire during the three-hour urban firefight. His courageous battlefield presence inspired his Marines to fight a determined foe and allowed him to position his platoon’s heavy machine guns to repel numerous waves of attackers.

In the midst of the battle, an Amphibious Assault Vehicle was destroyed, killing or wounding all its occupants. Gunnery Sergeant Lehew immediately moved to recover the nine Marines. He again exposed himself to a barrage of fire as he worked for nearly an hour recovering casualties from the wreckage.

By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of heavy enemy fire, and utmost devotion to duty, Gunnery Sergeant Lehew reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

I find it interesting to note, in the case of Gunnery Sergeant Lehew, that his heroism is completely unknown to the public. This is interesting because the mission he was embarking upon was a rescue mission for the beleagured 507th Maintenance Division.

They had gone off course and were attacked and overwhelmed by Iraqi forces. One of their number, a clerk named Pfc. Jessica Lynch, was captured and subsequently held for several days. She wasn’t rescued until several days after Gunnery Sergent Lehew distinguished himself rescuing the rest of her unit.

Jessica Lynch became a household name, and a hero to many. Gunny Lehew is an unknown, just another Marine somewhere.

Someone, IMHO, should give him a book deal.

Stop the war. Bring the troops home now.

Thank you again Mr. Moto. I really, really, really wish the everyday media would publish at least some of these.

Book deal, movie, whatever. These guys are the tops in my book.

Semper Fi, dude.


A fine story, but how about one about an Armyman?

Coming up next. I promise.