Warning On Movies

You know that messege that pops up on all movies that says if you make illegal copies or steal it or something to that affect that you can do 5 years in prison or a 10,000 fine??? Has anyone ever really had to go to jail for something like that?

Yes, movie bootleggers get busted all the time. The FBI is not going to go after you for exhibiting a movie at your Big Sandwich Club meeting, but they do go after the people who sell illegal copies on the street. Just like when nabbing drug dealers, the FBI will plea-bargain with the street guys if they confess the name of their distributor. Then they go and bust rings of crooks who churn out bootleg copies by the thousands.

It’s not very glamorous crime, though, so “FBI RAIDS LORD OF THE RINGS BOOTLEG OPERATION” doesn’t usually make the front page.