WARNING!!! Virus Warning About SD-Related Email!!!! READ NOW!!!


Don’t feel left out… I didn’t get the vurus either…

… uh… vIrus…

I see he’s written a virs that tugs your i’s into u’s… :wink:

(and, upon preview, apparently deletes my u’s all together…)


Let’s just say there were good and ample reasons, and he had good and ample warning. People aren’t banned lightly. But no should have to be afraid of getting a virus dumped on them; not admins, not mods and not anyone who may have deliberately or inadvertantly cross a jerk.

[Edited by TVeblen on 12-15-2000 at 08:48 AM]

Please tell me that that was an accident.

One more bump.

Report him to his ISP. What was it?


Another bump, and a chance to say “Hi andros!”

Thanks for the heads up, manny!

C’mon, Veb - we need more than that. :wink:


but should this thread be duplicate in all fora? Some dopers don’t venture into the pit.


blessedwolf, I am almost positive I saw it in most of the other fora - is that the right word for plural of forum?

Yeesh, it’s Friday - I need a weekend…

Oh, bump.

DUH - yep, since you used it, I suppose it is the right word. Sorry. :frowning: Good Lord, I’m losing it.

my bad. I didn’t look at the Admins’ announcement (never do :D)

::::::: My lightning quick mind tells me that something has happened. :::::::::::

Dammit, I leave for a while, and sumphin’ happens. So JDT went nuts, huh?

Not sure “went” is the right word, there, relic, because that implies a change of position. I’d guess it’s more like he leaned over just a bit, which put him all the way there.

So, what does the virus do? Cause every thread to lose the top half of its posts? :wink: