Was the Girl Scouts right to delete a post honoring Amy Barrett's appointment to the supreme court?

It was monumentally stupid.

Suck it up buttercup. Republicans are such babies, wah wah wah we aren’t getting praised for our naked hypocritical power grab. Wah wah people are free to use their rights to criticize us.

You don’t get both, princess. You want to play hardball and steal political power from your rivals, that is the only reward you get, you do not also get to be beloved by those you took power from.

Since the start of their existence, of course. Girls doing anything but preparing to be homemakers is a political position that used to receive a lot of opposition. Their positions on racial equality, gay rights, and the like are also all political positions. Their support for planned Parenthood is another political position. Even the magic question of “Who qualifies as a girl” is a further contentious political position, as conservatives have complained bitterly that the girl Scouts accepts trans women.

The “girl” (actually woman) that made it to the Supreme Court explicitly rejects a large part of the values of the Girl Scouts, and has made it clear that she would like to destroy the families of a lot of girls in girl Scouts. So there is a good reason not to celebrate the event.

And I notice that you didn’t answer the question of exactly what the days were that were so non political.

The text of the statement is in the linked article. Seems pretty blah to me. Congratulations on being the 5th woman in the court, and a picture of the 5 female justices. What would be a sufficiently anodyne wording in your opinion?

Since avoiding misogyny became a partisan thing.

Well when the GS put out guides like “Women to look up to” and only liberals are listed or has an event where they only invite liberal women, it says something.

I read somewhere they put out such a guide and only reluctantly added conservative woman Sarah Palin.

Being reluctant to add Sarah Palin to anything is a sign of intelligence and compassion.

And you’re completely ignoring all the posts that explain why they did it. Big surprise.

Conservatives aren’t for looking up to - they’re to be used as cautionary examples.


I bet you berate the Holocaust Museum for not eagerly commemorating kapos, too…

Have you considered that possibly there are not many conservative, female or male, worth looking up to anymore? Maybe conservatives should start trying to be better people.

Please post a cite to the guide (so that we can see whether or not it exists and whether or not there are conservative women in there) AND a cite to whatever you read (so that we can see whether or not there was any verifiable type of discussion over including Sarah Palin). Because right now, you’re berating the Girl Scouts for doing something that there’s no evidence that they’ve done.

It’s like getting mad at someone for something they did in your dream.

She IS a woman though, correct?

Wouldn’t that then fall under the ALL women category?

Let’s get away from the “girlscouts can do whatever they want with their twitter account” , yes, they can.

Should they have taken down an a-political post honoring a woman’s achievement of gaining a seat on the Supreme Court due to pressure (internal or external doesn’t much matter) ?

No, they should have stuck with the idea of supporting ALL women.

Which Amy Coney Barrett does not support. She’s an Originalist. According to her own “beliefs”, she would be unable to vote, she would not on the SCOTUS. She would be the property of her husband. she would play no part in determining the citizenship of her children (look at Ted Cruz and his situation).

That is simply the excuse being used. She is still a woman.

Who would rule against herself if she had any intellectual honesty.

The point here is that the tweet was made, so someone recognized it, they then took it down due to pressure put upon them.

Was there a good enough reason for the pressure, especially (and this is the main ingredient of this cake) since the tweet was very a-political.

Someone MADE it political and they removed it.

To me, that is the WORST kind of cancel culture bullshit

No, this was an attempt at the worst kind of cancel culture. Foretunately, it was stopped.