Was the Sunday Fox Simpsons rerun altered?

I rewatched this tonight mostly for the one great line it has (Milhouse to Bart: believe me, its better to catch both your parents <having sex> than just one) and don’t recall the wood related dictionary definition of “faggot” at the bottom of the screen when Martin referred to it. Does anyone know if this was there the first time, and if not, why the addition?

I’ve seen the episode you speak of, but it wasn’t tonight (Sun, 24th), and I saw the text at the bottom, so I would vote for unaltered. The episode is called “The Haw-Hawed Couple.” The quote is listed at the linked site and there’s no notation indicating an alteration.

Yeah, I remember the definition being there from before. It felt like they were literally beating us over the head with the wordplay, since the few times it’s come up there’s never been anyone in the convo who didn’t know something about the older meaning of the word. But then, maybe I run in fairly well-educated circles.

(And maybe just possibly they figured 95% or 99% already knew, but didn’t want to get really angry upset letters from people in the minority if they left the joke unexplained.)

Yes, it was there originally. The show has made a joke about the two meanings of “faggot” before- I forget which episode, but it involved Smithers perking up after hearing Mr. Burns needed to help him lift a faggot.