Was Walt Disney a fascist? (April 12, 2005)

More than ‘It’s a dream’, “Der Fuehrer’s Face” was an anti-Nazi propaganda cartoon. The entire cartoon can (still?) be viewed on YouTube, and the song was a hit for Spike Jones. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=der+fuehrer%27s+face&oq=der+fuhrer%27s+face&gs_l=youtube.1.0.0i10l10.33245.36979.0.45868.…0.0…1ac.XQhiRRF-SFs

Additionally, Disney studios made other wartime propaganda films and training films for the war effort:



Welcome to the Straight Dope Message Boards, madkaugh, an interesting post. When you start a thread, however, it’s helpful to other readers to also provide a link to the column in question – saves searching time and keeps us on the same page. In this case: Was Walt Disney a fascist? - The Straight Dope

No biggie, you’ll know for next time, and, as I say, welcome!