Was William Henry Johnson of the 369th infantry regiment buried with a headstone bearing the name William Henry Johnson or Henry Johnson?

Was William Henry Johnson of the 369th infantry regiment buried in 1929 at Arlington National Cemetery with a headstone bearing the name ‘William Henry Johnson’ or ‘Henry Johnson’?

The Find-a-Grave database on the website of the cemetery has a William Barker Johnson who died on May 1, 1929 and a Henry Johnson who died on July 1, 1929. It also includes photos of the headstones, and the latter’s says “369 Inf 93 Div”, so I suppose that’s the one you’re looking for.

Using the Arlington National Cemetary grave finder, there is no William Henry Johnson or William H Johnson who matches your man, but there is a Henry Johnson from that regiment and that year.


Is this what you’re looking for? I think it’s the current headstone.

from here:

The Black Death: The Incredible Story of Henry Johnson | RECOIL (recoilweb.com)

Thanks Procrustus. That explains the confusion surrounding his place of burial and the posthumous search for his grave.