Watching old classic tennis matches on tv

This is more of an observation that older tennis fans may relate. Its that time of year when the tournaments are done, and the Tennis Channel broadcasts classic matches from yesteryear; Sampras, Agassi, Conners, Borg, McEnroe, Ashe, etc. I really enjoy a couple things watching these old classics versus todays pro matches.

  1. The players used to move expeditiously from one point to the next. No bouncing the ball 20 times before serving it, asking the ball-kid for a towel after each point, challenging every other line call, or asking for a medical time out to get a trainer over to rub their neck for a few minutes. Seriously! Players didn’t do that shit back in the 70-80’s.
  2. Fist pumping…very rare back in the day. Maybe an occasional fist pump after winning a set or hitting an ace during a tiebreaker. But todays players feel some compulsive need to literally scream and jack their fists spastically after nearly every point. WTF.