I was sitting with some coworkers waiting for a meeting to start when someone mentioned that they had quit drinking coffee a few weeks ago and that they were feeling “dehydrated” all the time. (They had been a heavy coffee drinker so they figured that by not drinking coffee they were consuming a lot less liquid than they used to).
Since I had always thought that coffee was a diuretic, which would presumably dehyrate someone, I was a little surprised to hear this but before I could chime in someone else suggested that this person take a shower to “rehydrate” themself. Before I could ask how they could do this someone else mentioned that taking a shower is equivalent to drinking 6-8 glasses of water.
I had taken a number of physiology classes in college and I was pretty sure this was compeltely bogus but somone else chimed in that they had read the same thing somewhere. I never thought of our skin as some kind of sponge and that water would pass through into our cells at anything like that kind of rate.
So are these people crazy or do you really absorb large amounts of water when you take a shower, take a bath, go swimming etc? I just can’t believe that it really happens…