Water-powered drain openers - as effective than chemicals?

I have a recurring problem with a bathtub drain that gets backed up, thanks to my ditzy neighbor who insists on dumping all her kitchen scraps etc. down the drain. (Her kitchen pipes and my bathroom pipes share a connection somewhere in the wall. Yes she has been spoken to about this by the building’s management, many times before. She still does it.) The problem is compounded by the fact that my tub has an acrylic lining over the existing tub, and I’m concerned about damaging the lining if I accidentally splash Drano or whatever on it. I’ve been using a plunger up until now, but it’s not terrible effective, not to mention that sometimes I get even more junk in my tub before I’m through. And it’s a PITA to try to arrange for a plumber through building management every time I start having problems again.

I came across this water-powered drain cleaner while casting about for alternatives to chemicals. It sounds good, but no one I know has any experience with these things. So:

  • Do they actually work as well as claimed?
  • Do I need to be concerned about causing more damage down the line by forcing the clog through the existing pipes? Any potential for inducing leaks?

FWIW the building was constructed in the late 1950s.

I don’t know how well that would work, but I really doubt It could cause any problems other than putting more water into a drain that doesn’t … drain.

There is another type that I have had good luck with. It a rubber contraption that you put on the end of a garden hose. Stick it in the drain, and turn the water on.

When you turn the water on, it expands and seals itself in the drain. then all the water coming through it pushes the clog through. Works like a charm.

But, something like that could cause more leaks. And it might shoot all her kitchen scraps all over her ceiling.

This could be good or bad depending on your relationship with your neighboor :smiley:

Don’t use chemical drain openers ever. Those things are very toxic and often don’t work. Then what will you do? They are made of lye, which can eat pipes and fixtures (and, if combined correctly with grease in the pipe, makes soap). Every plumber’s nightmare is facing a pool of water with lye in it.

Try a plumbers snake. They are cheap and effective.

Get the manager to weld a screen over each one of the neighbors drains.
Buy her a disposer.

Hey, good idea!

Seconded. :smiley:

Best solution: Buy a house (not condo, etc) if at all possible. Even if you have to suffer a little for the 1st year or so.

All in favor?


Motion carried!

Let’s all go get a beer.


Hmmmm… :: taps fingertips together thoughtfully ::

If I could actually be in her kitchen when it happens, it would be worth it. :smiley:

In truth, I don’t want to start a neighbor war. I just want my bath water to get sucked right down the drain! waaaahhhhh!

mangeorge, I hear what you’re saying, but there are some good reasons for sticking it out for for a while yet… one of which is, I’m only paying $310/month for this place. :cool:

Hey, no problem. One can sleep with a broker as well as with a landlord! :wink:
Notice the :wink:
It means “Just Kidding”.
There’s no way I can not click “submit reply”. No way. I’m way too sick.
Peace (and Love),

Now, now - I do have a sense of humor. Had I told you before who my “landlord” is,* I would have said you were REALLY sick and smacked you upside your head. Instead, you’ll just get a big fat :stuck_out_tongue: .

  • My dad. :eek: Better not say anything now!

As I was saying, if you can get that wonderful landlord of yours to invest in a garbage disposal for the neighbor, that should solve the problem nicely.


When will I learn to preview? :smack:
My intended post:

Just a bump for the weekday folks to chime in before I blow my neighbor’s kitchen scraps back up through her drain. :wink: