How much water flow would I get if I ran a 1/2 inch PVC line 3500 ft. From a town water system on level land?
A drop every minute?
A drop every second?
A tiny steady stream?
How much water flow would I get if I ran a 1/2 inch PVC line 3500 ft. From a town water system on level land?
A drop every minute?
A drop every second?
A tiny steady stream?
Isn’t school out? Odd time for a homework question.
Depends on the pressure. See here:
For 0.5" PVC over 3500 ft, it gives a pressure drop of 63 psi @ 2 gpm. That’s in the ballpark for a city water system, so you should expect flow in that range. Note that this doesn’t include junctions or any other source of pressure drop.
If it’s not homework, then we need to know the pressure of the town’s water system.
Thank you for your reply.
This is my situation.
I have a seldom used outhouse with a water tank . The max water I would need on a given day would be 10 gallons. If I read you right I would be able to get at lease that much flow even figuring pipe friction. Yes?
You would really need to check with your water company for permission to extend a pipe that long from your house.
Your outhouse is 2/3 of a mile away?
Wait, this is for a flush toilet 2/3 of a mile from the drinking water connection? Where is the sewage going?
Be very sure about the elevation difference. If the outhouse is higher than the pipe you are getting water from, that will reduce the flow, perhaps quite a bit.
Also, for such a long run consider using polyethylene tubing which you can get in 1000 ft rolls.
Your tank is not going to fill fast but it will fill. Are you going to bury the pipe? If not cover it with something to protect it frim sunlight. If the outhouse is higher than the house the time will be longer. If supply pressure is 60 PSI you lift will be under 120 feet.
Just carry a bucket of water with you when you need to crap, it’ll save you time and money and nobody will have to sweat through hydraulic equations (poop, dump a gallon of water in the bowl, it flushes great!)