I have been driving through Waterbury CT on I-84 for 20 or more years and it seems there is always construction going on east of the city.
I can find online a description of the “I-84 Waterbury Project” that was supposed to start in 2014.
What was going on before that?
It just seems unusual for one stretch of road to be (apparently) under constant construction for so many years.
Don’t know, but my wife and I were asking the same question as we drove through there a few weeks ago. I’ve been driving through there for probably closer to 40 years, and I can’t remember when there wasn’t construction going on there.
The same thing seemed to apply to the intersection of 1-287 and I-87 just east of the Tappan Zee Bridge - construction had been ongoing there for as long as I could remember - but they seem to have completed that a couple of years ago. Of course, now with the new span of the Tappan Zee being built, it will probably start all over again.
Seems like just about every major metro area has one stretch of road that is permanently under construction. Here in Chicagoland, I’d nominate 80/94 in NW IN. Drive there at least 10 a year over the past 3 decades - bet it has been clear sailing fewer than 5 times.
When I used to fly into Cinct regularly, it seemed like a stretch between the airport and downtown was under permanent construction.
Crazy stuff. With winter coming on, it is thrilling to see some local construction projects shutting down for the next couple of months at least.