Because of course gun owners will just kill someone who merely talks smack? :rolleyes:
Nah, he’s civilized. Probably just a pistol-whippin’.
THat’s pretty much asking about how to be a jerk.
Kudos on your desire to be part of the problem; it’s a blessing to this nation that there are people like you who are willing to lower political discourse to the lowest possible level, leaving rational discussion by the wayside in favor of insults, invective, and deliberate irritative measures. The sort of actions you propose would never put people on the defensive; quite the contrary, they are highly likely to swing people around to your way of thinking, and we can look forward to a harmonious, united nation under a democratic president four years from now. The founding fathers are surely smiling down from above at what their descendants have wrought.
Not sure what you are hoping to achieve, other than a puerile display of poor sportsmanship, but progress doesn’t come from childish tantrums. If you want to do some good for the world instead of indulging your id, learn some more about Trump supporters. Find out why they voted for him. Here’s a good start. Yes, some of them are white supremacists, and some of them will never ever vote for a female candidate. But some others are genuinely scared of terrorism, and some of them are desperate for jobs that will keep their small towns from dying (e.g. coal miners, whose jobs Clinton literally said she would take away) - and some of them are tired of being endlessly ridiculed by condescending liberals. Seek them out, and have reasoned discussions with them. No candidate will ever win 100% of the popular vote, but it becomes easy to lose when one actively denigrates large swaths of the voting public.
I think the tone of this thread is better suited for the Pit, so off it goes.
Big man with a gun don’t have to take no guff!
Also “fuck with them moron” is poor grammar but otherwise is exactly what the OP is asking about.
Seriously. I mean this. For you anti-Trump fans read this over five times and understand what Elf is saying. Read the Cracked article over and over again. I used to have faith that the liberals were different then the conservatives in that they were more able to understand the other side. Looking at all the whiny crap over the last few weeks has changed my way of thinking…Please help me recover my faith that the Liberal masses are more intelligent than this and really are willing to understand and not insult what you think are the unwashed morons worthy of only your disdain.
That is why you lost. You didn’t lose for any other reason than not understanding the point of view of millions of people outside of the big blue cities.You wrote off the wrong half of the country as a group to be made fun of and not taken seriously. I hope you learn and do a better job in 4 years.
I’ve got one that actually would irritate them. If they say how they are being disrespected or looked down on, just repeat their words while using a derpy accent and hand gestures. It can’t be disrespectful to do that since Trump has done that.
I don’t think that will end up being productive, but if there’s no talking you out of it, maybe you could remind them that whenever Trump holds “a pencil” in his hands, that “the pencil” looks reeeally big.
Fair enough: you should definitely do this.
You could speak in complete sentences.
You could only support verifiable ideas.
You could be anything but a white male or attractive woman.
Personally, I’m going to give as little business as I possibly can to any business or person who openly supported/supports Donnie. Hopefully the BoycottTrump app will find its way to Android soon.
The Trumper I know best is my coworker. I’m currently annoying him by listening to nonstop Christmas music on the radio, because he’s a total Grinch.
Tell me, is it true that all Melania see in Donald Trump is 10 billion dollars and high cholesterol, or is it the Viagra rigged erection?
Are you somehow not aware that blatant racists by and large voted Republican this election, for the first time? Are you unaware that the Religious Right thinks that gay and trans people are abhorrent? And that they hate atheists so much that even Trump had to fake a conversion? Are you unaware of the anti-BLM movement? How dare them black people stand up when they’re getting shot more than the white people!
And are you unaware of how exactly this shook out? There wasn’t some rash of new voters who were tired of being called racist or what have you. Numbers were down heavily on both sides.
I live in a small town. I know that being these things bothers the hell out of most of the people here. Hell, I still have to deal with my own prejudices of being around gay people. It bothers me in ways it shouldn’t.
I used to be these people. I know what’s going on. I am still a working class white–I just saw the light, and realized that conservatism was basically evil. I thought Trump, being an exaggeration of all the evil and then some, would be enough for the Religious Right to at least stay home or vote third party, but I underestimated their worship of Pro-Life as a God instead of the Biblical God (who doesn’t discuss the subject.)
I know this class of people, and I know what’s going on. There’s some truth what people say, but there’s also a whole lot of unexamined bigotry. Not necessarily malicious, but it’s there.
And just being here is enough to irritate them, while doing nothing wrong. And, if I’m any indication, it is exactly the right kind of irritation that works to change minds. I still can’t believe how many of the people my age on Facebook are all against Trump. And I picked none of them for their political views–this was literally the first time I knew.
To answer the OP, I would like to buy a van, paint “Have your jobs come back yet?” on the side and just drive through the Rust Belt every Summer, especially in the towns that just had a factory close.
I’ve read it twice now. It lost its luster on the 2nd reading. It tells a nice story but has no meat to it. Except point #3. I am left with the impression the people who voted for Trump who in the past either voted for Democrats or didn’t vote at all are a bunch of whiners. They sound like a bunch of losers who blame everyone but themselves for all their terrible decisions which led them to living in a job desert with no skills to get themselves out of it. It’s not really my problem. I think these people will stay home in 2020 when they realize their jobs aren’t coming back. Because they’re not. They’re arrogant and stupid. They voted stupidly or didn’t vote at all when they could have strengthened their unions or improved education or obtained responsible leaders who worked to develop the future instead of taking credit for what little there is left in terms of jobs in their world. The Rust Belt has been dying for half a century. You have to be a complete moron to not have seen it coming. The Rust Belt isn’t “rural”, it’s just pathetic.
Despite all that vindictive shit I just wrote, and I truly hold these people in the lowest regard when I see how they make decisions about our country’s President, I think Democrats should do something to placate these savages while their way of life truly does die for good. This disconnect between the metrics of our economy and how people in these shit-holes feel about it ought to be addressed.
These discontented savages, who had every advantage in life yet still fucked it all up, are endangering people who haven’t had the privilege of being thoroughly normative in our society and made it that much harder to address real issues like climate change.
Or you could just post childish shit like this.
Republican women don’t do oral.
Come to think of it, just remind Trump supporters of that fact. That’ll irritate 'em GOOD.
Bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Have you tried getting into the mind of the kind of person who listens to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis? Have you actually spoken to this kind of person? Have you tried to communicate with them, to understand their reasoning, to change their minds? The problem is not “I don’t understand these people”. The problem is that there’s no reasonable way to communicate ideas to these people. While it is possible to understand their reasoning, there’s no way to accept it unless you’re just as butt-fuck retarded as they are. There’s no way to change their minds, short of literally becoming Rush Limbaugh. While the cracked article is interesting, it misses the simple point that these people don’t fucking think.
We understand them just fine. It’s just about as possible to reason with them as it is to reason with young earth creationists.
I live with them everyday. I’ve interacted with them all of my life. I identify as being from this group of people. I’m pretty sure I understand them better than a lot of people on this board and thread. You think they are all racists and listen to Rush Limbaugh and are hard core religious right. You are wrong. You have been misled to think this. This is why your candidate lost.
Your failure to realize this and calling the concept bullshit 5 times indicates you might not be able to see others reasoning.
Yep, there are those who “don’t fucking think” just like there are those who voted for Hillary, because they “don’t fucking think”. But dismissing the entire group of people who voted for Trump as part of this subset, shows that you DO NOT understand this group as a whole.