We got a good review for our Mozart Requiem concert

We did the first of two performances last Saturday night. The full program was:

Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
Lux Aeterna (Elgar)
Cantique de Jean Racine (Fauré)
Agnus Dei (Barber)
Friede auf Erde (Schoenberg)
Requiem (Mozart)

The review in this morning’s paper (Sydney Morning Herald, 4 November 2008) is (mostly) very complimentary: With these voices requiem was a heavenly piece

Congratulations, Cunctator! I love the Requiem, and it sounds like you did it justice. Bravo!

I’m impressed that you sang it from memory. I’ve sung it many times, but never in a choir capable of doing so from memory.

It was the first time we’ve done it from memory. A few people had misgivings but in the end it wasn’t really all that hard. Once you dispense with the score, you find that you actually know quite a lot of it already. And it makes such a difference to the overall sound and projection of the choir - as the reviewer noted.

Wonderful! Glad to hear it went so well.