We Have Baby Bunnies~ Redux~ New & Improved With Pix

Yeah, they are some cute little suckers, aren’t they? They do grow pretty fast. You’ll see them out in the yard, eating your grass and clover pretty soon.

A couple of people mentioned it in the previous baby bunny thread linked further up. Nobody disagreed with it then so I didn’t bother to check it out.

Oh no, these little ones are genetically predispositioned to eat only the expensive annuals and perennials. No common grass or clover for them.

This thread is the new and improved version…with pix.

Well, I hope you have enough expensive things planted for them. They’re gonna be hungry!

I’ve merged the two threads and used the revised title.

Thanks Marley23!

Don’t forget chomping down any vegetable plants they can find! The local rabbits are doing their best to kill my sweet potato plants.

That scrabbling noise you just heard was me being pulled back into the thread.

Oh! Just wook at the widdle ears!

the genesis of proof. this might just be how urban legends get started.

I saw the “don’t pick the bunny up” on an episode of Leave It To Beaver. It was on yesterday or the day before. Beaver, Ward and Wally set out to trap a Gopher eating June’s garden. (Isn’t that funny a Beaver trapping a Gopher :)) Anyway, it was a bunny that was eating the garden and it was captured and named Henry. Well June immediately pointed out that Henry was Henrietta and about to give birth. Who knew June had so much talent, a gardner and a bunny midwife.

But before Ward can tell Beaver, Beaver comes running in “Mom, Dad, a whole bunch of rats are attacking my rabbit.” “No, Beaver,” explains Ward, “the rabbit has given birth and those aren’t rats but her babies nursing. You see Beaver baby mammals get their first food from their mother that way.”

Beaver brings Larry over to get his pick of the new bunnies and Larry and Beaver pick one up. Conveniently, for the plot, Ward is in another room, at the same time, telling Wally not to pick up the rabbit or the mother will abandon it.

Wally relays this important info to the Beaver, admittedly to late, who is now afraid he 'caused the mother to abandoned it.

Beaver seeks out Gus the fireman and tells him of his quandry. Gus replies “Well Beaver, fathers are smart about lots of things, but they don’t know so much about rabbits.” He explains that probably won’t happen but just to make sure Beaver should put some talc on the baby rabbits, ALL of them, so they all smell alike. Then to put some Vanilla extract on the mother’s nose to confuse her.

Beaver does this and all is well

I hand raised eight baby bunnies when they were orphaned by a dog.

SQUEEEE! You should’ve seen them grow and start to jump, so funny.

Five survived.

I then attempted again with three others. They died.

There is just no telling what will happen, they are very fragile.

I have regained consciousness. After a few moments of being thoroughly sated by bunnerly goodness I only have one thing left to say:

Where are today’s picture??? They grow so fast - they are possibly reaching undocumented and unknown heights of cuteness and I’m missing out :frowning:

Well crap, you people are unsatiable. :slight_smile:

I’ll take more pix tomorrow and post a link. Who knows, by tomorrow they may be asking Mama Bunny for the car keys.

More squee worthy pics here. There are SIX of the little buggers, not four. <sigh> :confused:

I hope you know that those ears are just killing me here. AND I want to pick up a bun or two and cuddle it.

Good luck getting them away from me, Lynn. I just want to pick up the whole nest of them and snugglesnugglesnuggle. Bunnies!

No, I think that we’re both going to have to revive madrabbitwoman first. And then pry the buns out of her grasp.

That’s what happened with my nest. I thought there were three, but there were actually five. Sneaky lil’ bastards, aren’t they? :smiley:

Cute as the dickens, though…

Ruby will need to start her fall vegetable garden early to keep the rabbits fed.

Let’s see…lettuce, carrots, chard…that’ll get them off to a good start.