We have some weird condensation - what's causing it?

Since we turned off the air conditioner in October and opened the windows, we’ve been plagued by some mighty odd condensation. It most often appears on the TV screen, a framed poster, and the stucco ceiling. The true oddity is that the condensation occurs in discrete drops, about 1/8-1/4" in diameter, well separated from each other. There’s no condensate “fog” anywhere. On average, there will be about 10 drops on, for example the TV screen. In short, it is nothing like any condensation I’ve ever seen before.

Other (potentially) relevant facts:

  1. We live in South Florida, where humidity is generally high and the temperature generally warm (though humidity starts to decrease in November, but the droplets have not noticeably decreased);

  2. We live on the water (about 100 yards from water’s edge to the affected areas);

  3. There is a generally constant breeze off the ocean, but our windows face north and south, while the breeze comes from the east;

  4. Our windows are constantly open; and

  5. Most oddly, we don’t recall this condensation last fall (when we first moved in), though then we had the A/C off and the windows open during the same time period.

Any thoughts on what the heck is going on?


The only thing I can think of is that those objects are dusty and thus have nucleii for the drops of moisture to start forming on.

You are sure that there aren't any other sources of atomized moisture?   In the spirit of experimentation, you might shield the TV from the nearest window, just to make sure it's not some freak aerosol from the ocean.

Could be a religious manifestation -- if you can get a statue of the madonna to do that, you could sell it on EBay for a small fortune.

That’s actually one of the oddest things about it - two of the three places the moisture appears are smooth surfaces - the TV and the poster (the stucco ceiling is obviously bumpy). It doesn’t appear on the walls, which are bumpy, and would be dusty if the TV and poster were dusty. As a practical matter, we’ve wiped off the TV and poster so often I doubt dust is the answer.

The TV is right next to the sliding door, which we leave partially open, and it is on the correct angle to possibly get moisture from the wind. But the poster is not - it is a decent distance from any window and out of the direction of the wind.

But would the statute continue to exude moisture once it leaves our apartment? If not, we could probably charge an entrance fee and make a killing, but I really don’t want the types who would actually pay to see the “miracle” in our home. :smiley:
