We just had a trial evacuation of the building

It took just under 15 minutes for everyone on our floor to form a queue at the emergency exit, walk down the stairs from the 27th floor and then assemble at our meeting point in the adjacent shopping mall. That seemed pretty good to me.

You fools! That’s exactly where They’ll be waiting for you!

Wow, did everyone go where there were supposed to, even though it was just a trial?

We had a minor fire at my work place last month. It was raining. Two fire trucks, and a couple of ambulences showed up. Everyone in the building (picture huge old brick mill building, now housing more than a dozen businesses) came out side. Except five of my co-workers who didn’t want to get wet, so they stood in the doorway. You’d of thought the firemen running towards the building with axes might have tipped them off…Idiots.

Yes, we all went to our correct meeting points. The evacuation was sprung on us completely out of the blue too. It wasn’t one of those “surprise evacuations” that everyone has scheduled in his calendar several days in advance.