We made sweet corn ice cream

Two nights ago I had a dream that I bought a bag of ice cream, with several flavors hard-frozen into individual scoops. Some of them were nomal flavors, like cookies and cream, but most were very exotic, and some were vegetable flavors. I don’t remember what they were, except that one might’ve been red cabbage.

So I told my wife this story over breakfast yesterday and she thought for a minute (she always thinks for a minute before speaking, a trait I wish I shared with her), and finally said she thought sweet corn might make a good ice cream.

Well, I latched onto that like a pitbull and insisted we make it. We stuck the ice cream maker in the freezer, went out and got some fresh sweet corn, and made sweet corn ice cream last night.

The results?

NOT BAD! It was actually a little bit too sweet, if that’s possible, but the flavor was very interesting. It wasn’t corn flavor - it wasn’t Captain Crunch like I almost expected it to be - it was corn. I don’t think I could eat a whole bowl of it like I would a more traditional flavor, but a few bites is excellent, and if I could think of something to pair it with it’d make a great dessert.

So how did you make it? Whole kernels or what?

I have had corn ice cream at Thai restaurants.

My wife, unfortunately, doesn’t like texture in her ice cream, so we strained the kernels out first. It looks, more or less, like vanilla.

What did you think? The Thai restaurants here all have the same dessert menu: coconut ice cream and mango sticky rice.

How did you process it pre-screening?

Oh, I don’t know, I was dicking around on the computer like a bad husband. “We” was a bad term to use in the subject because all I did was turn the ice cream maker off when it was done. I think she just shaved it off the cob and boiled it with the other ingredients.

I am so jealous. I’ve read about corn-flavored Filipino ‘dirty’ (street vendor) ice cream and it’s been a dream of mine to try it. That and cheddar ice cream, or a mix of the two. Sounds so wrong it’s got to be right.


No, it doesn’t got to be right.

Trust me. I’m the guy who did the taste test in this ancient Chowhound thread.

My SIL the corn freak has been making ice cream with brown sugar and creamed corn for years.

It’s kind of like eating popcorn washed down with a vanilla milkshake.

I used to work with a woman from Malaysia who insisted that corn ice cream was very popular over there and was actually very tasty.

For me, it always reminds me of a cartoon I saw in National Lampoon years ago where there is a guy standing in an ice cream store and the sign behind the counter says:


And the guy behind the counter is telling the customer “Sorry, we’re out of vanilla.”

My local mom-and-pop ice cream place, which recently went out of business, had a large assortment of strange flavors such as avacado, rose, and some obscure fruits (jackfruit?). I tried the avacado and didn’t care for it. It wasn’t awful, but it was not very good (to me) either. The owner claimed it had many loyal fans.

Oh, that was a B Kliban cartoon! Cotton was one of the flavors.

Sweet corn sounds like a wonderful flavor! I’m always on the lookout for a flavor that’s less sweet but just as ice-creamy!

Avocado might be my next experiment. I just found out that it’s one of the most popular flavors in some South American country that is escaping me right now (Brazil?), but I think they might use a different avocado - sweeter than the one we make guacamole out of.

It sounds like that would be good after Mexican food, or a NC barbecue plate.

There’s a local Italian ice cream place here that makes my favourite ice cream - cucumber! It’s more of a sorbet than an ice cream, and is wonderfully refreshing on the few hot days we get.

I made an avocado milkshake once. Just vanilla ice cream, milk and avocado. It was good but a little avocado goes a long way.

Not that vanilla isn’t a top 10 most awesome thing ever but one of the good things about making your own ice cream is that you can escape its influence. We tend to think of vanilla ice cream as “plain”, but it’s not.