We need more interviews like this.

Actually, I daresay my posting history primarily indicates interest in puns and quips, with thoughtful political and social criticism on a handful of specific issues, but if you want to imply hypocrisy on my part - knock yourself out, sport.

Exactly. Which is why it’s puzzling that you would pull out a claim to be more interested in “thoughtful political and social criticism”.

Look. You made a gratuitous swipe, and I did the same. Not sure why you felt the need to retreat into a cocoon of seriousness instead of just acknowledging the obvious. I’m glad to see you finally did that.

Don’t forget anti-social criticism!

Puzzling? Really? You made a sarcastic remark, I made one back. It’s not exactly an exchange that would make Gödel say “Did I miss something, here?”

Heh, “retreat”… classic example of claiming an imaginary victory for a self-deluding moment of satisfaction.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST with some lower-case thrown in GET OFF MY BACK!

Nice dodge. You’re comeback wasn’t sarcastic. But if you want to think that, so be it.

Well, this is just passive-aggression, and in fairness I’ll admit I sometimes use it, myself (not the eyeroll smiley with any frequency, though, or really any of the smileys - personal taste), but it was not a dodge and it was indeed sarcastic.
At least for my working definitions of the words.

I think this is a HUGE, underestimated problem in modern journalism. We count on journalists to be our advocates in asking questions that need to be asked, of the people who need to be held responsible, and they simply aren’t doing that any longer (but we still think that they are, or we have gotten so used to the pap we’re being fed that we don’t even realize what we’re missing).

I’ll second this. I work in local news in DC and my station has been trying to make an effort to hold people, politicians and businesses accountable more than we used to, and we’ve pissed off some of the players pretty bad recently.

On the local level the business has been thinned out so much by declining ratings that it has become a lot harder to do in-depth work, but folks are still trying. The messages that many people have been giving newsrooms that viewers want real news coverage has been heard.

Hopefully over time you will begin to see the trend back towards the journalism you look forward to seeing (though truth be told, probably wasn’t there even in ‘the good old days’).

I have to admit, I laughed just hard enough that the tiniest of farts slipped out. But I’m alone right now, so it went totally unappreciated.

A nice, mordant interview isn’t the norm these days, but they do happen, and they’re fun when they do. Sounds like the guest choked, big time. He may have been expecting a softball interview, and wasn’t prepared. Sarah Palin whined about “ambush journalism,” but no-one should go to an interview show without their facts nicely marshaled.

I was listening to a repeat broadcast of “Defending the Truth” with Bob Dutko, today; his guest was from PETA, and was claiming that Christianity required a vegetarian diet. Now, I don’t happen to agree with very much that Dutko says, but it was a sinful pleasure to hear him put this PETA chump in his place. Politely, with gentility, but with the facts, he exposed the guy’s bankrupt theological stance.

(The guy’s web-site went so far as to try to claim that the “fishes” in the miracle at Cana was really “seaweed,” and not fish per se!)

magellan01 is in the same situation I was in: it’s nice when two people you don’t like very much go at each other hammer-and-tongs!

ETA: this is the pit; should I have cussed more?

Couldn’t hurt.

Gosh-a-mickle-dickle-pickle, dog my cats, and rowrbazzle!

Nice work Trinopus, the very air was blued!

Heavens me!

Always fun to watch some blowhard splutter when having his nose rubbed in his own hypocrisy. I don’t care where on the political spectrum they come from.

What it really needs is more supercilious mugwumps who get off on tossing darts at both sides. Everyone deserves a playmate.

Lately I’ve been turning off NPR when they don’t ask the hard yet obvious questions, especially against right wingers but occasionally against others as well. Today they were talking about a controversy of road development getting close to a national park.

There are legitimate issues of general development versus tourism versus environmentalism. The interviewee was raising those. Then he mentioned that the road could be used by more than “elite environmentalists” — bzzz, talk to the motherfucking hand. Now I want to preserve that park just to piss you off. If you had a dog I’d go all rock in the box on it.

I would love to see Jeremy Paxman let loose on American politicians, he would have a field day.

I heard that quote too, and had the same reaction. I was seeing both sides of the argument, and willing to wait for the noise analysis to come through. Then this asshole pulled out “elite environmentalists” and started fervently hoping Obama would National Monument the whole damn state.

The fucker also added a nicely obnoxious “lots of folks have mineral rights nearby and they’re not going to sit on that forever” (paraphrased) - as if it’s just a matter of time until human greed destroys any remnant of nature that happens to have fossil fuels under it.