
There is an old trick where you tie the threads of a new warp onto the threads of the old warp, allowing you to draw them through the heddles and avoid the tedium of threading them.

Like a lot of things in weaving, the theory is more straightforward than the practice, especially at first. It works in some applications, not so much in others.

Back in the 1970s there was a woman who lived in my grandmother’s neighborhood who worked at a sewing factory. She said they did the same thing to put new thread through the sewing machine’s needle.

I’m wondering if something like the little tool used to thread a sewing needle for sewing by hand couldn’t somehow be used to thread a heddle- then mount a row of them on a 2x2 the length of the loom and thread all the heddles at once- but I don’t see where it would save you any time or effort if you can’t use the same continuous warp thread- but think the tangled mess of thread that I think would result would cause nightmares.

Maybe I should just stick with something simple and go back to biology.

You’d still have to thread all the hook-ends through all the heddles for your idea to work.

And they do have hooks designed for threading heddles.