Web design question - Registration page

I’m desiging a website using FrontPage 2000. I’ve got a home (default) page, which features a table of contents. Each item in the contents is linked to its own page.

What I want to design is a registration page, where new visitors will be asked to log in their name, address, etc. I want to be able to save this information, and be able to tell how often the visitor comes back. Also, the visitor should be recognized the next time they visit. Ideally, a new visitor will be alowed to go to the home page, and be asked to register when they attempt to go further into the site.

I know FrontPage offers a template for a User Registration page, but so far it doesn’t seem to be doing what I want. Must I create a sub-web? Will a password and login name be necessary? Are there any sites where I can get step-by-step instructions, or code to copy? All tips are greatly appreciated!

Plan B ?

Soup – you sure you want to do this ? IMHO, nothing gets a surfer to exit a site quicker than the requirement they sign up, especially if they don’t know what they’re signing up for (if they’re new visitors one assumes that’s the case ?). It’s part of the web psychology – folks just don’t want to do it. No, they really don’t want to do it. It just comes across as intimidating and “WTF…”

If you want info on who, what, where, when and how often, I’d suggest a good stats programme / log analyser. By using one of those you don’t need to manually collate any info as it’s all done for you. The better programmes let you determine what info you want included in your statistical analysis.

Punch something like ‘Web site statistics log analyser’ into Google for a lot of options. Preface that with ‘free’ if you prefer.

If you do want to do this it sounds like javascript would be the way to go – again, try Google for ready to go scripts.

I’m not so sure what FrontPage offers/supports, but it sounds like you’ll need a fair amount of database integration as well. If this isn’t something you’ve worked before, it’ll probably end up being more work than it’s really worth. Just my $0.02.

Soup…be more specific with regards to your site.

As one that is a web designer (not guru but I plug along) it would help to know more about what you are trying to accomplish. As a FrontPage designer, I rarely use FrontPage for these types of things I go other routes.

Like I said, give us more info and maybe we can be a little more specific to your needs. There are a lot of ways to accomplish a task these days.

If you don’t want to post it, email one or more of us to see what we all have opinions on.

Probably the best and least obtrusive way to do this is to find a Javascript. You can add one that sets a cookie that keeps track of how many times the person has visited; I’ve used something like this from http://www.javascripts.com. There may also be scripts that will remember the name using a cookie.

Of course, if people have cookies turned off, this won’t work.

Logging in is more complicated and I agree that you shouldn’t require people to log in just to find out who’s visiting. In addition to all the other problems, people don’t like giving out personal information to someone they don’t even know.

RealityChuck - thanks for that site! There’s some neat stuff there.

What I’m trying to accomplish is the same thing that happens on a site like Amazon - the home page opens to everyone, but if a new user tries to go further, they’re asked to register. Once the registration info is given, it isn’t asked for on future visits.

Well, Soup, you’re gonna need a database for that. You gotta have somewhere to keep all of that information, neh? What kind of backend do you want to run? You’ll need to make sure that it’s (at least) got ODBC drivers available and can do the things you’re wanting to do.

Then you’ll need to write pages that are interactive with your database. That means you’ll need to learn to write ASP pages (or something similar); I’m just getting ready to start learning that methodology so I don’t know for sure, but I’m under the impression that you’ll also need to know either a real programming language, or a good scripting language, or both, to actually get things to work. I’ve not used FrontPage myself, but I don’t think it’s gonna do it.

I write pages for a webserver specifically designed for database interaction, but I doubt you want to shell out a few grand for that, so you’ll want to research CGI and see what’s available on the cheap. You do have your own server, right?

Did anyone mention how little people like giving out their personal info? I don’t ever fill in valid information on those damn things, unless I can see a really good reason for them to know. Just cuz you wanna know ain’t good enough.

What kind of security are you running? What steps will/have you take/n to protect your clients’ data? Are you planning to sell via the Web and need to keep customer info? That gets into a whole ‘nother realm. If somebody hacks in & gets into your customers’ credit card files, you are in a world of hurt, my friend. Do you have a privacy policy, and if so, does it meet industry standards?
Really, I’m serious - I’m not just trying to knock you down. You need to take a hard look at what you’re trying to achieve and why, because what you’re wanting to do requires a lot more work than I think you realize. What you’re wanting is what I do for a living at the moment, and it’s not just something that happens by magic (despite the beliefs and wishes of our customers and clients and users ;)).

What’s wrong with the javascript and cookies plus analyzer method that’s been suggested?

Psst, you’re making a porn site, aren’t you? :wink:

If so, there are other options. If not, well, Amazon only requires you to logon when you’re actually checking out (gotta love the dynamic there, huh), so if that’s all you want to do, there are tons of webhosts that offer “shopping cart” technology and I’m sure they can handle all the logon/user info/database stuff for you.

I just give false information for those registration pages. They aren’t particularily valuable.

As others have said, a manditory registration page will turn off a majority of your visitors. Unless you are offering something that they really want (and there are precious few websites out there like that) people will stay away in droves. If I can find the research I’ll post the link, but go with it for now.

Perhaps a better approach is to let people have access to the site without registration. You can write out a cookie with as much info as you know, and gradually add more. For example, if you have something new and exciting on the site, ask for a name, or zipcode, or something else to build up more info before you give them access. Even better is to give them a reason to give you information, show how it will make their experience better.

Unless you have a valid business reason, don’t collect phone numbers or addresses. Zipcode should be enough for geographic info. Nothing turns people off quicker than that. Unless I’m buying something, no one gets either of those, and still I often make up or leave blank the phone numbers.

What kind of data do you plan on collecting and what additional info are you going to store? Is it their preferences? The areas of the site they’ve visited? Personalization data? It’s not clear to me exactly what you’re going to store that requires a DB, versus just using cookies to recognize someone who’s been there before.