Web design question

Okay, in answering someone else’s question I have discovered a problem with my own site. It shows up fine in IE5, but not at all in NN4.7 - it just hangs.

If any code experts could take a look at http://www.fervent.co.uk/weblog.htm and let me know what bit of code I’ve missed/messed I’d appreciate it.

Shows up fine in my Netscape 4.73.

I’m using 4.6 - everything shows up.

Curiouser and curiouser. Maybe it’s my version of Netscape 4.7 then - it finds the page and then just hangs while loading.

It loads happily when I deselect “Enable Java” and “Enable JavaScript” as preferences. When they’re activated, pfft, it sits there in a huff.

mattk, this is the problem i was having AFTER trying to load my page. NOTHING would load in NS. Try clearing your cache and then restarting NS.

btw, NS 4.08 loads it like a champ.

Okay, problem solved. It wasn’t a problem with my design. For some bizarre, inexplicable reason, it was in my NN preferences.

It loads fine and looks right when I enable Java and JavaScript, but disable “JavaScript for Mail and News”. God knows why, but there you go.

Thanks for the assistance all.