I asked about this in IMHO, ( http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=45995 ) but few designers apparently read it. More seem to be here in GQ (as evidenced by the many responses to ), and I’ve been able to think of a sufficiently GQ version of the question, so here goes:
Will Dreameaver Ultradev sufficiently ease my ASP programming burden to warrant buying it?
I already use plain old Dreamweaver, but I need to get into ASP programming (and let’s not get into an ASP-sucks debate, as I’ve spoken to potential clients who use it exclusively and I want their money). If Ultradev’s ASP features are only as useful as, say, Dreamweaver’s Javascript features, count me out. Except for making quick and dirty rollovers, I’ve always found it easier to write the Javascript by hand in Simpletext and then paste it in. If that’s the case, I’ll sink my money into a Photoshop/Golive combo and ease my image-crunching burden instead, and just re-read my ASP for Dummies book a lot more.