Web hosting suggestions

The web hosting outfit that is currently hosting my personal site has suddenly decided to raise my rates. Sorry, but as much as I like my site (even if it hasn’t been updated in what seems like forever) it isn’t worth $30 a month. So, it’s time to look for a new hosting provider.

Looking through some older threads here I see several people recommended GoDaddy; does that suggestion still hold? Any other suggestions on who to look at or avoid? Thanks.

How about that I was going to ask almost the same question, except I don’t have a host now and no web page.

I have an idea of what I would like and what I need. I’ll be using it for both pictures and text, though the pictures probably wouldn’t be seen by tons of people. There maybe times when I would share some pictures on places like this however. Other then that I would only want a place for text and some documents. I’m really not sure of what to look for, and how to keep from getting screwed on the off chance that I put up a photo that the whole world wants to look at.

That’s who I use and have used for about three years. I haven’t had any problems with them. You can register a domain (IN YOUR NAME, not theirs) for $8.50 a year, and they have plans starting at $3 (that’s THREE, not THIRTY) a month for 150 megs of disc space. They have all kinds of extra stuff you get, plus excellent customer service.

It sounds too good to be true, but they do rock.


Personal opinions are always great, and as a professional in this field (Web hosting and design) I would advise you to go with what tasha suggests - or whatever seems best from what others reply with - because of the price and being able to register a domain name in your own name (or you can do it yourself at GoDaddy and come to them with your domain name in hand).

If you want more options and suggestions tho check out http://www.webhostingtalk.com

Sorry, didn’t mean to let this one fall off into nowhere.

Thanks for the feedback tashabot and ZipperJJ. There was a lot of good information off of the webhostingtalk link and based on what I got from there and from looking around I went with Hostgator, who already seem to be better than the host I just left. So, thanks again.