Website selling weird exotic meats - is this for real?

Bet you it’s meaty! :smiley:

Not only that but Customs would very likely confiscate it.

Why would anyone want to eat lion, a carnivore which eats nothing but meat? Doesn’t carnivore meat taste pretty bad?

Carnivore meat being bad is a huge myth. Jared Diamond for one has attested to the great taste of a lion burger. Closer to home, the few guys who’ve eaten bobcat generally say it’s the best-tasting meat there is. There’s loads of historical accounts of various beastly fare being consumed with gusto. Also, animals like fox, bear and marten were all food animals to northern hunter folks up until the 20th century. Not sure when someone decided against carnivore meat. It isn’t based on inedibility.

Ignorance fought on this end. I have heard about lion meat being tasty, though. If Bobcat is tasty would that also mean … housecats? They ought to be savory as well. [puke]

I wonder how these carnivore meats would taste compared to venison?

Well,my Dad, who grew up with the Eskimo in Alaska disagrees. They ate meat, lots of meat, all kinds of meat.

Bear is tasty during berry season,nasty during salmon season ( bears are omnivores, so this makes sense) . Polar bear tastes fishy Fox and small cats don’t taste good either. Most fur animals have their carcass discarded or fed to the sled dogs. OTOH, Caribou is very tasty.

Now, generally, when humans turn to eating carnivore, it’s under survival sitreps, where it’s certainly going to get rave reviews compared to boot leather, lichen or very stale pilot bread.:stuck_out_tongue:

Tell that to the Koreans. Or Chinese. Or Aztecs. Or Aborigines. Or Ainu. Or Cameroonians. Or Swiss. Or Basque.

Unless you’re the member of a South American soccer team, anyway.

Swiss? Basque? I know some of the rest eat dog, but dogs are somewhat omnivorous.

I am going to serve some grilled python at the next Perl conference.

No, cats. And dogs may eat some vegetable matter, but they are still carnivores.

“it is eaten sporadically in southern China, northern Vietnam, Peru, Cameroon, Spain, Argentina, Switzerland and in rural areas of Bulgaria”, note the word which I have bolded.

Clay is is eaten sporadically in parts of the USA. Hell, if you go to any grade school you’d add paste and Play-do. I have eaten rattlesnake, myself.

Hardly means any are eaten with any regularity.

When I was in Paris a few years ago not only did I eat horsemeat, but raw horsemeat, which makes the best steak-tartare, IM-and others-O. After the bovine encephalitis scare, beef steak-tartare was in fact outlawed and only horsemeat was used for that dish.

Call me when there are newspaper articles about paste eating as a cultural practice, we’ll talk. Sporadically here I take it to mean the habit is dying out, but the fact that there are acknowledged (even multiple) cat dishes in Switzerland (with thyme!) and Basque country tells me it’s not 5yo wierdos doing it. Secondly, AT didn’t ask about how regular the practice was. Only about taste issues. I cited what I did as evidence that it was widespread, also seemingly not famine food, hence someone (*lots *of someones) thought it tasted good.

Lastly, *lots *of people eat snakes (I have, more than once), so how you think that anecdote disproves regularity of eating I don’t know. I haven’t argued that anyone subsists on cats, merely that some people have a taste for them.