Weekend Feud: Black and White by Scarlett67 [Game Over]

  1. Border Collie
  2. Steinway
  3. Bat
  4. Paint It Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. Casablanca
  7. Seal/Heidi Klum
  8. Jerry Lee Lewis
  9. Dragnet
  10. Sunburned Penguin
  1. Beagle
  2. Yamaha
  3. Swan
  4. Black Magic
  5. White Christmas
  6. Rebecca
  7. OJ Simpson and his murdered wife
  8. Elton John
  9. Z Cars
  10. A sunburnt nun
  1. Border collie
  2. Steinway
  3. Polar bear
  4. Back in Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. The Apartment
  7. Seal / Heidi Klum
  8. Elton John
  9. Andy Griffith Show
  10. Penguin in blender
    *If I was a right-winger I’d say “Barack Obama” for #10
  1. Collie
  2. Steinway & sons
  3. Panther
  4. Back in Black
  5. Knights in White Satin
  6. Casablanca
  7. Seal & Heidi Klum
  8. Dragnet
  9. police car
  1. Spaniel

  2. Steinway

  3. Polar Bear

  4. Paint it Black

  5. White Christmas

  6. Casablanca

  7. Seal and Heidi Klum

  8. Elton John

  9. Dixon of Dock Green

  10. Nun with a spear thru’ her head

  11. Apart from his nose, which he hides with his paw when stalking seals. :wink:

  12. What do you mean you’ve never heard of it?! It ran for 21 years. Prime time Saturday nights. In the UK . . .

  1. Other than a dalmatian, name a breed of dog that is or can be black and white.

  2. Name a piano manufacturer.

  3. Name a wild animal that’s either all black or all white.

  4. Name a song title that includes the word “black.”

  5. Name a song title that includes the word “white.”

  6. Other than Schindler’s List, name a black-and-white movie that won an Oscar for Best Picture.

  7. Name a famous black/white interracial couple.

  8. Other than Billy Joel, name a rock-‘n’-roll “piano man.”

  9. Name a TV show from the 1950s/1960s that featured police officers.

  10. Other than a newspaper, what’s black and white and red all over?

  11. Boston Terrier

  12. Steinway

  13. panther

  14. Black Magic Woman

  15. Whiter shade of Pale

  16. The Best Years of our Lives

  17. Heidi Klum and Seal

  18. Elton John

  19. Dragnet

  20. an embarassed zebra

  1. Border Collie
  2. Steinway
  3. Black Panther
  4. Black Hole Sun
  5. White Christmas
  6. The Apartment
  7. David Bowie & Iman
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. A penguin with a sunburn
  1. Boston Terrier
  2. Steinway
  3. Polar bear
  4. Paint it Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. To Kill a Mockingbird
  7. OJ/Nicole
  8. Elton John
  9. Car 54
  10. Downy woodpecker

Geez, after looking at the other replies it’s obvious I’m the only person who answered #10 straight!:smack:

  1. border collie
  2. Steinway
  3. bear
  4. “Back In Black”
  5. “White Wedding”
  6. Dr. Zhivago
  7. Heidi Klum / Seal
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. suntanned zebra
  11. mine was named “Maggie”
  12. but I’d rather have a Fender Rhodes
  13. or, as Stephen Colbert says, “Bears!!!”
  14. but I’d rather hear “Black Magic Woman” and
  15. “White Bird”
  16. did Young Frankenstein win Best Picture?
  17. Bill and Hillary Clinton?
  18. although I’d rather listen to Tomas Bodin or Andy Tilson
  19. Andy Griffith Show?
  20. the only one I could remember, but I’ll be taking notes for the grandkids.
  1. border collie
  2. Steinway
  3. polar bear
  4. Back in Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. Casablanca
  7. Seal and Heidi Klum
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. sunburned zebra
  1. a collie.
  2. Steinway
  3. polar bear
  4. Black Is Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. Casablanca
  7. Bowie and Imam
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. a nun with a slashed carotid

After reading the thread, I think all violence to nuns should be classed as the same answer. No way should I miss out on a top answer on a technicality. :smiley:

  1. Scottish Terrier
  2. Steinway
  3. Seal
  4. Back in Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. Other than Schindler’s List, name a black-and-white movie that won an Oscar for Best Picture.
  7. Michael Jackson and Priscilla Presley
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. Bloody Nun
  1. border collie
  2. Steinway
  3. panther
  4. Back In Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. Casablanca
  7. Heidi Klun and Seal
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. A nun in a blender
  1. Collie
  2. Steinway
  3. Polar bear
  4. Paint It Black
  5. White Christmas
  6. Casablanca
  7. Ted Danson and Whoopi Goldberg
  8. Jerry Lee Lewis
  9. Dragnet
  10. Nun in a blender
  1. Great Dane
  2. Steinway
  3. Ermine
  4. Oooh! Santana’s Black Magic Woman
  5. Nights in White Satin
  6. Casablanca
  7. Seal and Heidi Klumb
  8. Phil Collins
  9. Dragnet
  10. That black and white and red thingie
  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. Steinway
  3. Panther
  4. Paint it Black
  5. White Wedding
  6. Casablanca
  7. Derek Jeter & Jessica Biel
  8. Joe Jackson
  9. Dragnet
  10. A bludgeoned nun
  1. Border collie
  2. Steinway
  3. Polar bear
  4. Back in Black
  5. Nights in White Satin
  6. Rebecca
  7. O.J. Simpson & Nicole Brown Simpson
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. Zebra with a sunburn

ETA: Casablanca! D’Oh!

  1. Boston Terrier
  2. Steinway
  3. Polar Bear
  4. Black Velvet
  5. White Christmas
  6. Raging Bull
  7. Seal & Heidi Klum
  8. Elton John
  9. Dragnet
  10. A wounded nun
  1. Border collie

  2. Steinway

  3. Polar Bear

  4. Paint it Black

  5. White Christmas

  6. Wings

  7. The Lovings

  8. Elton John

  9. Dragnet

  10. A bleeding penguin

  11. From the case Loving v. Virginia, which abolished laws against inter-racial marriage.

  1. Great Dane
  2. Steinway
  3. Panther
  4. Back in Black
  5. Knights in White Satin
  6. Psycho
  7. OJ/ Nicole Simpson
  8. Jerry Lee Lewis
  9. Dragnet
  10. Skunk in a blender