Weekend Feud: Fly Your Flag! by ivan astikov [Game Over]


Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me and I’ll get you on The List.


Write your answers like this; Do not repeat the questions, no periods at the end of answers, no spaces between lines, no comments, no fancy list coding. If you need to comment or clarify your answers, do it AFTER the list of answers. Thanks.

1. answer <<—There is a space after the period!
2. response
3. rejoinder

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 4:00 PM Central on Sunday, 10/26/08 whichever comes first.

Good luck!

Please use google if you wish!

  1. Name a flag with red, white and blue in it.
  2. Name a flag with vertical stripes.
  3. Now horizontal ones.
  4. Name a flag with at least one star on it.
  5. Name a flag with a botanical feature.
  6. Name a flag with the moon on it.
  7. Name a flag with a cross on it.
  8. Name a flag with a coat of arms.
  9. Name a flag with mainly one colour.
  10. Name an international organisation with a flag.
  1. US flag
  2. Italy
  3. US flag
  4. US flag
  5. South Carolina
  6. South Carolina
  7. Greece
  8. Kenya
  9. Libya
  10. Red Cross
  1. United States
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. Somalia
  5. Lebanon
  6. Turkey
  7. Denmark
  8. Costa Rica
  9. Libya
  10. United Nations
  1. USA.
  2. France
  3. Argentina
  4. USA
  5. Canada
  6. Pakistan
  7. England
  8. Croatia
  9. China
  10. Red Cross
  1. American flag
  2. Irish flag
  3. American flag
  4. American flag
  5. Lebanese flag
  6. South Carolina flag
  7. English flag
  8. Mexican flag
  9. Libyan flag
  10. United Nations
  1. the United States
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. the United States
  5. Lebanon
  6. Turkey
  7. Switzerland
  8. Portugal
  9. Libya
  10. the United Nations
  1. United States
  2. France
  3. United States
  4. United States
  5. Canada
  6. Turkey
  7. Switzerland
  8. Vatican City
  9. Libya
  10. United Nations
  1. United States
  2. France
  3. United States
  4. United States
  5. Canada
  6. Turkey
  7. Switzerland
  8. Spain
  9. China
  10. Red Cross

And now, answers if I wanted to get the lowest possible score:

  1. Laos
  2. Chad
  3. Latvia
  4. Federated States of Micronesia
  5. Eritrea
  6. Maldives
  7. Slovakia
  8. Moldova
  9. Somalia
  10. The Organization of American States
  1. USA
  2. USA
  3. Greece
  4. USA
  5. Canada
  6. Turkey
  7. England
  8. Mexico
  9. Saudi Arabia
  10. United Nations

This time, by using the first result that came up in Google, I’ll be sure to kick you’re arses :smiley:

But of course I wrote in horizontal for both 2 and three :frowning: (which makes it even odder that I got different results)

  1. United States
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. United States
  5. Lebanon
  6. Pakistan*
  7. Sweden
  8. Spain
  9. Libya*
  10. Red cross

*It could be the moon
*all one color
Great minds think alike. I almost made a feud on the same theme.

If nothing else, it will probably be the lowest scoring feud ever! :smiley:

  1. USA
  2. France
  3. USA
  4. China
  5. Canada
  6. Turkey
  7. Switzerland
  8. Spain
  9. Libya
  10. United Nations
  1. Name a flag with red, white and blue in it.

  2. Name a flag with vertical stripes.

  3. Now horizontal ones.

  4. Name a flag with at least one star on it.

  5. Name a flag with a botanical feature.

  6. Name a flag with the moon on it.

  7. Name a flag with a cross on it.

  8. Name a flag with a coat of arms.

  9. Name a flag with mainly one colour.

  10. Name an international organisation with a flag.

  11. USA

  12. France

  13. Germany

  14. Australia

  15. Lebanon

  16. Pakistan

  17. Switzerland

  18. Vatican City

  19. Morocco

  20. The UN

hoo boy, the answers may be all over the place. LOL I certainly had a good time looking at all the different flags though. Thanks for the fun feud!

  1. US Flag
  2. French Flag
  3. Israeli Flag
  4. US Flag
  5. Lebanese Flag
  6. Nepalese Flag
  7. Vatican Flag
  8. Vatican Flag
  9. Turkey
  10. The U.N.
  11. It’s the only one that comes to mind. Gotta love the Cedar tree!

ETA: For 7, how did I forget the Swiss Flag?

  1. United States
  2. France
  3. United States
  4. United States
  5. Canada
  6. Turkey
  7. Union Jack (United Kingdom)
  8. Spain
  9. China
  10. United Nations
  1. USA
  2. France
  3. Italy
  4. Israel
  5. Canada
  6. Turkey
  7. Switzerland
  8. Spain
  9. China
  10. the U.N.
  1. Flag of the USA
  2. Flag of Italy
  3. Flag of Austria
  4. Flag of Australia
  5. Flag of Canada
  6. Flag of Laos
  7. Flag of Switzerland
  8. Flag of Fiji
  9. Flag of Libya
  10. The Red Cross
  1. The Stars and Stripes
  2. The Tricolore
  3. The Stars and Stripes
  4. The Stars and Stripes
  5. Hong Kong’s flag
  6. Malaysian national flag
  7. Swiss Flag
  8. Mexican national flag
  9. Chinese national flag
  10. Red Cross
  1. United States
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. United States
  5. Canada
  6. Morrocco
  7. Sweden
  8. Wales
  9. China
  10. Olympics