Final Crisis : Resist - I’m not sure where it fits in FC’s timeline, but I sure as hell enjoyed reading it. Nice to see Snapper back in action.
JSA was excellent as well - finally that last piece of the puzzle about the new multiverse.
And then there’s the Guardian special - it’s nice to see Jim Harper again, and I hope they use him well, but… holy crap, was that a Legion flight ring?
Can anyone recommend me a good bi-weekly or monthly comic to start?
I am mainly an alternative comics fan (the only hero type stuff I have is Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld - no, I’m not 7, I swear), but all of my series that I have subscribed to have ended. I really miss getting issues on that sort of time-line. If gives me a reason to go in my store without shelling out big bucks for books/compilations. I’m open to anything, really!
That said, yesterday I finally picked up the last in the Damned: Prodigal Sons series, which I really liked (and for which my ComicBookGuy teases me); I felt like they really found their pace as compared to the first series. Also, it’s gangster demons with a Noir vibe - cheesy, but I like.
I also picked up the Drawn & Quarterly Showcase 5, which has a piece by t. edward bak who used to live in my town. I have a serious fan crush on him! It’s great to see him still producing; He also has a solo book out of comics he did for a local weekly if anyone is interested.
And I finally got the latest paperback comp. of Love and Rockets, which is okay so far - but I really like the earlier stuff better.
Oh! And I also splurged on the book for Tori Amos called Comic Book Tattoo. It is huge, gorgeous, and well worth the money! I thought it was much more well done than the same sort of song-inspired comics for Belle & Sebastian.
And next week, Nate Powell is coming to my local store for a signing! I am so excited about this it is not even funny. I’m waiting to get his new book when he’s there, but he is one of my favorite artists ever, and I’m rereading Tiny Giants and Please Release just to get psyched for it.
None of the monthlies I follow are at a good getting-on point right now. Are you open to trade paperbacks of old monthlies? The Bendis/Maleev issues of Daredevil were quite good.
Yup. That was the Legionnaire named Tellus, from the late 80’s, early 90’s. Telepath from an ocean world who wore a reverse diving helmet. (full of whatever he breathed, water or Ammonia or something, that I can’t remember for sure.)
I’ve never seen him before. Prior to this, what was the last time and condition we saw him in?
Time Stranger : Is there any particular genre you favor? Are you looking for superhero stuff, or would you prefer something else? I’ve been enjoying Madame Xanadu and House of Mystery, but until they get a TPB collecting the first issues, or unless you want to do back-issue hunting, it may be hard to leap in…
New Krypton: I’m all caught up (2 issues), and I like the story. I’m not an avid Supes reader, so I hope I’m not missing too much.
Ultimatum: I didn’t read Ultiamtes 3 because of the extremely poor artwork and issue 1 sucked donkey balls, so I hope I haven’t missed anything. I have Ultimate X-Men from 1-25 (and generally stopped reading it because it was too different for my tastes) and I have Ultimate Spider-Man 1-105 (and collect the rest through trades), other than that I don’t read much of the Ultimate line. With all that said, I have no idea why this event started. Isn’t the Ultimate universe a re-telling of all the best Marvel (all continuity) stories into one definitive universe (or something to that effect)? What does Ultimatum relate to? Not Secret War, because that came out already and that sucked. I’d like to know if Magneto is really responsible and how he got all that power.
Rage of the Red Lantern: Ok, that’s painful, i.e. becoming a red lantern. I’m having slight issues with the various colors of power. Yellow and Green I can see, but I can barely understand Pink (or whatever the “love” power is). Red seems pushing it, frankly. What is Blue supposed to be? That’s it, just 5 colors right? The big event sounds cool, at least as described by my local Comic Book Guy.
I just know that the ultimate defeat of the Black Lanterns (and probably the crazy Guardian) will involve representatives of the seven groups combining their powers to form something like the “White light of Life.”
Tellus was a member in the pre-reboots LSH. He joined with Sensor Girl, Quislet, umm… Polar Boy and Cos’ brother, maybe?
He sort of faded into a background LSHer. I don’t recall him being a central part of any storyline. He never reappeared in the 5 Years Later storyline, although I vaguely recall something about his race in the Dark Circle storyline. He did not reappear in any of the reboots.
I’ll have to go back and check, but I think that Brainy mentions him as one of the Legionnaires missing during the recent Action Comics LSH storyline.
The crazy Guardian was the female scarred one right? Who is she and how did this happen? If this happened in Final Crisis, I just might boycott company wide crossovers for good.
She was scarred in the Sinestro Corps War – it was a Green Lantern book crossover, not a company-wide crossover. She was touched by the Anti-Monitor, burned (and infected, apparently) by his anti-matterness.
One of the things about the red lanterns that was mentioned before is that the further away from the green mid-spectrum point someone is the more the power controls them. So the red (and presumably violet) lanterns aren’t in their right minds.
Any other time RageCat would be the sensational character find of the week. (“OH HAI! IM IN UR SPAES SEKTER KILLIN UR LANTURNS!”) The debuted the same week as a new volume of Empowered, though, so Maid Man and Mindfuck have the blood spewing kitten of violence beat.
Sorry. I’m sure I’m the only person to assume that 7 Corps representing the spectrum vs. Blackness as death will likely lead to the blending of all 7 lights to defeat it.
RageCat was pretty cute. I wonder what it’s basis for hatred was. “Kill the one who took my ball of string. SSSSSSTRIIIIIIINNNNNGG!”