Weekly Comic Book Discussion 6/15/2006

Four. You forgot the Nightwing in Kandor (currently Supergirl).

My local store owner claims he’d had to have had ordered 50 copies of the title to have the privilege of getting the rings. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know.

I picked up Thing #1 and #3 today, filling out the two issues I didn’t yet have. Civil War #2. Battle for Bludhaven #5. Captain Atom : Armageddon #9.JLA Classified #22. GL Corps #1. Checkmate #3. 52 #6. Ex Machina Special #2. and Fables #50.

Civil War 2: I still think this book is waaay too simple. Parkers decision? I’ve got the ASM giving his motivations and I still don’t buy it. With all he’s been through with Venom, Green Goblin, and likely more villains knowing his identity, he should be the last guy to give up his secret identity. Also given his huge respect for Captain America, I think he’d be far more likely to side with him.

Things are just happening way too fast. Heroes are just lining up on one side or the other, and they are down with this whole “arrest the unregistered heroes” thing too easily. The whole thing with Reed and 42. His equation about the risks of life without the registration law. Good to see he’s so giddy about everything. :rolleyes:

I honestly couldn’t be more disappointed with the way this series is going. This “event” should have had gray galore. Instead it’s straight black and white. It’s as if this was written simply to find a way to get certain heroes to fight each other instead of exploring characters and their reactions to the change.

52 - Heh. Manthrax. The scene in Hunter’s lab is great. Lots of interresting little hints. The revelation at the end was not unexpected - Booster (or at least Skeets) should have been able to figure it out himself. Also love the Great Ten - and I’m rather enjoying watching the reactions to them at various places. Which range from ‘OMG, they’re like heroes from Chinese comics,’ to ‘OMG, Mother of Heroes is so sexist,’ to ‘OMG, that’s so racist!’

Superman - Jimmy’s either a hero, or a dumbass. Or both. And Luthor’s…delusions run deep, don’t they? Also…he redeveloped fashion sense!

Green Arrow - I like 'Stroke here. He’s a-plotting something. Or he’s trying to make Ollie paranoid. Or both. Probably both.

That does seem to ring a bell. There was an article at Newsarama I think when the promos were solicited.


Ruminations and Spoilers on Battle for Bludhaven

Monolith gets creamed by Major Force, who goes off the deep end and also kills Major Victory(?)… Rose is well used, but describes herself as a “Precog” - are they exaggerating her combat-predictive abilities, or is that accurate? Kudos for Hal for getting Kyle’s girlfriend a little posthumous revenge, by smacking around Major Force.

Captain Atom

Having trouble reconciling Captain Atom’s appearance in Breach’s place as per Infinite Crisis #7 - he seems to show up right in Bludhaven here. Didn’t think the Wildstorm U needed a reboot, particularly - I was sort of amused to see the Authority get a comeuppance though.

Who caught GI Joe?

That ending…!

The President’s White House Aides tremble in fear before entering the office of the President’s new White House Chief-Of-Staff…Cobra Commander! Political commentary in the last comic I’d expect it in?!

Resurrecting old 52 thread with new spoilerific info, here:


It’s time to go Guy Gardner.

I’ve got a Mosaic ring.

I’ve got Power Ring’s ring.

I’ve got Alan Scotts’s ring.

Now, to get the new ring (which seems identical to the ones DC has been putting in Gl toys for the past decade). I’ll just find somebody with the new ring, and beat 'em up with something yellow.

The Authority are positively restrained here. They’re positively brutal in the later issues of Authority v1. And not always just because it’s an efficient way to accomplish a good goal. Midnighter once sodomised a bad guy with a jackhammer for making homophobic remarks. The guy was a psychopath, to be sure, but he wasn’t just killed to put him down, he was raped to death because he personally insulted Apollo.

And I use the phrase ‘positively’ way too often.

No, Midnighter raped the Commander to death with the jackhammer because he (the Commander) raped Apollo. Read it again.

It’s been a LOOOONG time since I read it. I don’t think I MISSED that part, just forgot it. Correction accepted. (I was planning to reread the series anyway. Once I manage to find my copies…)

(OTOH, my point stands, even if my example isn’t nearly as extreme as I had remembered it. They’re remorseless killers, and the handful of deaths they’re responsible for in Armageddon aren’t any more numerous or brutal than they’ve done in the past.)

The big surprise was revealed on yesterday’s Drudge Report, so I’m putting spoiler tags in purely out of peer pressure.

[spoiler]Spider-Man may share many of Captain America’s ideals, but these two guys are not pals. Cap spent years keeping Spidey out of the group. One storyline, back in the Roger Stern years, ended with Spider-Man being invited to join–only to have Cap take him aside and talk him out of accepting. When Spidey finally did join–with Sandman and Rage, IIRC–Cap almost took his head off the next day for assembling the team for what should have been a solo mission, and downgraded his membership. When Busiek took over the book in the 90s and started it off with a call to all past Avengers to come help out against Morgan leFay, look at the members who bailed out: Hulk, Spider-Man, Reed, Sue and the Thing. All of these people (except for the Thing) were personally kicked out of the group by Cap.

Tony Stark, by contrast, welcomed Peter into the group with open arms, gave him cool armor and a swanky apartment, and put him on Stark International’s payroll (no one else gets paid to be an Avenger this time around. Wolverine did for a while, but not any more).

There are character-driven reasons why Spider-Man would side with Cap–he still might–but Spidey and Cap have surprisingly little love for one another. In fact, quite a few mainstream superheroes don’t care for Cap. This is not the first time he and Tony have come to blows, either. [/spoiler]

Oh, you’re not wrong, but at least Midnighter’s actions are more justifiable. I always thought the Authority was an odd blend of liberal idealism with fascist actions, but the Ellis/Cassaday run was like capturing lightning in a bottle.

A pretty good description, I think. It was never quite as good after Ellis left - although Millar managed to keep most of the momentum going until the very end. even if he did play up the violence somewhat more than Ellis. I’ve yet to make it through Robbie Morrison’s run, though.

Nitpick: Ellis / Cassady is PLANETARY, which still comes out every 75 months or so. Ellis/Hitch/Depuy is AUTHORITY.