So I’ve decided to really “get healthy” and for the past month or so have been on a pretty strict diet/exercise program - albeit self-guided. And I realized that what I may be doing to my body may not be healthy, or at least optimal for how I’d like to end up (sooner rather than later). So where better to ask than here (except for, say, a doctor )
I’m 6’ 3.5", 237 lbs and all jiggly. In the past month, I’ve lost about 15 pounds, dropping from a size 42 to about a 40 (I used to be, many moons ago, a 34) through the following manner:
[li]3x per week 45-60 min walk at a pretty good clip[/li][li]3x per week (alternating with the above), 30 min weight lifting (standard nautilus cycle) plus 30 min on elliptical trainer[/li][li]1 day off[/li][/ul]
[li]No alcohol or non-diet soda[/li][li]More water than Lake Huron[/li][li]Breakfast - instant oatmeal[/li][li]Snack - piece o’ fruit[/li][li]Lunch - salad (usually one of the McDonalds’ salads[/li][li]Snack - fruit[/li][li]Dinner - Lean Cuisine or occasionally I’ll cook some salmon/broccoli[/li][/ul]
My goals are, in priority (although who wouldn’t want all three simultaneously?)
- Lose fat
- Gain cardio
- Gain muscle
So, basically, I’m wondering if I’m doing things wrong. For instance, way I calculate it, I’m probably taking in 1,500 - 2,000 calories per day. I’d like to keep gaining muscle mass while I do this regimen.
Should I be eating more? Is my exercise regimen ok, or should I change it? Is weight-lifting worth it right now? Should I be eating more protein or carbs? Are my diet/goals/muscle-desire at cross-purposes currently?
Would love any advice - or encouragement
thanks in advance