OK, so I’ve been living with a always on connection for quite some time. As a result I’ve lived with a software firewall installed for some time, excepting the first 6 months or so of being online.
Lately when tinkering around with various programs, I’ve seen cause to disable that firewall. When I do so these days, I get these strange pop-up ads on my desktop. The aren’t IE windows however, they are windows alert boxes. Somehow spammers are forcing advertising to pop up on my computer without any input from me. I don’t even need to be sitting at the machine websurfing to have this happen. Seems to be completely independant of what is running or what I’m doing.
My main fear is that somehow a Trojan Horse has gotten onto my system that could be doing even more mal,icious things than spamming me. I don’t generally download executables willy-nilly, so I’m not immediately thinking its that. I changed from Windows 98SE to Windows 2000 Pro quite some time ago, I never had this issue before that. However that was quite some time ago, though considering how rarely I turned off my firewall it could have been a existing problem that I never noticed. I also installed Kazaa which was the most recent thing, however I’m not sure if the two items coincide.
What do folks wiser than me duduce from this enigma?
Go to administrative tools --> services (Haven’t used Win 2000 in a while though). Look for ‘Messenger’. It’s description should indicate that it allows alert messages ot be sent between servers and clients. Right click on it and choose properties, then disable it.
I think that if you are running Kazaa and not kazaalite…that you’re loaded with spyware. Download and run Adaware.. Make sure to update it before you run it.
Your problem IS messenger. Disable it as a service through, start -> run -> “msconfig” -> service tab -> uncheck Messanger. Messanger was meant for Network admins to communicate with their clients, but it is now being used by spammers to spam people with no firewall.
Kinthalis, found the section you were refering to and I turned it off. Probably solved the issue. My primary concern was that I had some program installed that was allowing that besides a built in Windows feature that was being abused. Its somewhat reassuring to know that its probably not overly invasive.
Others, thanks for the reminder about Ad Aware. I’d had version 5 installed and had forgotten about it. I just went and updated to the new version and ran it and did some housecleaning. Good stuff.
culov, I disabled it the traditional way through the Contol Panel, why are you suggesting this alternate method. I’m not sure I understand how “disabling it as a service” is different from the methodology offered in QED’s link immediately above.
Something people recommended to me which I’ve found works well is Panicware’s Pop-Up Stopper, which comes in a free version. The one problem I’ve ever had with it is that it occasionally gets the idea it should stop hyperlinks that I double-click on from opening – you get around this by holding down the control key while opening the link, as they make clear. (My system is very much similar to the OP’s, so I can confirm it should work well for him as well.)
The OP isn’t talking about IE popup windows, Polycarp. He’s talking about the Windows Messenger Service, which is entirely different. That said, I do also recommend Popup Stopper. I’ve heard that the Google Toolbar is also very effective at stopping IE popups and popunders too, but I’ve got no experience with it, personally.
Am I the only one who read that as Weird Al pops up on my computer? Yes? Ok, then. I’ll just be standing over here in this corner now contemplating belly button lint. :o
What!?!! Why are y’all all looking at me like that?