Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy”

Ah, nevermind. He does say “here’s the part I sing,” but he says it so fast that I mistook it for something significantly more nerdy. :slight_smile: My mistake.

Looks like Al repaid Seth Green’s cameo in the video by appearing in Robot Chicken this week.

I loved the Weasel Stomping Day song so much, I ordered the album. (The video is one of six new animated videos that will appear on the album. John K. and Bill Plympton are among the animators collaborating with Al.)

(emphasis mine)

According to Al’s official website, the international version will not be a DualDisc™, but rather a seperate CD and DVD. The DVD will not contain the stereo and instrumental versions of the songs, but it will contain the behind-the-scenes feature and music videos.

I purchased the DualDisc but am disappointed with the karaoke tracks. They are just instumental with the subtitles turned on.

Is it me or did you think about Hal during the sheep line for Virus Alert!

I’m really enjoying the album. Besides Weasel Stomping Day, Virus Alert is my favorite original, followed by Pancreas. Canadian Idiot is my favorite parody, followed by Polkarama! The animated music videos are really well done- Close But No Cigar is classic John K., and Virus Alert is a lot of fun to watch, especially the little gags hidden in the details (I loved the two references to UHF). This is the first of Al’s albums I’ve bought, and I must say I’m quickly becoming a Weirdo! (Aloholic? Yankovictim?)

Oh, and even though there’s already a reference to the number in Confessions Part III, I think the size of the hole in Virus Alert should have been 27 feet instead of 43- not only because it’s a Weird Al running gag, but also because it fits the rhythm better (Al wouldn’t have had to held the word “hole” for two notes). I actually change it to “27” when I’m singing the song.

So you’re saying he should have gone the whole nine yards?