Weird ear-ache

OK, about 3 weeks ago I had a bad dose of the flu and it took about a week to recover. Since then I’ve still felt quite tired and run down, and have been enjoying 2 coldsores on my lip over the past few days.

Today I’ve had quite a few episodes where I have experienced a sharp pulsating pain in my ear. Sometimes it’s only been about 3 pulses, other times it’s been about 30.

I’ve not had many ear infections in my lifetime, so I’m not sure if this is a sign of an infection? Has anyone had this sort of pain?

Ear pain is way to close to the brain for me, see a doc at your earliest convenience.

I’ll second the call to go see a doctor. I have only a snippet of info for you. The throat and the ears run on the same nerve, and a pain in one place may produce pain in the other.

Ear pain is not to be trifled with. Go to the doc now.

Pah, these are not the answers I was looking for! :wink:

OK, I’ll see what it’s like in the morning and make an appointment if they are still sore.

sandra nz, for a whole fistful of reasons, we don’t practice long-distance medicine here. For one thing, Philsphr and I are not medical doctors. We have a few actual doctors here, but even they aren’t your doctors. You won’t see them writing, “OK, I have to examine you. Take off your clothes, and lie down in front of your computer.” Nope. Go see your own doc. :wink:

Aside from what has already been said, I often get that sort of pulsing pain from the early stages of an inner ear infection (which I get several of a year). It’s likely that you’ll need an antibiotic and ear drops.

See your MD. Those kind of ear aches can be dangerous.

An OTC decongestant might give *short term *relief until then. But promise me, that if it does, you’ll still see the MD, as it almost certainly will not cure the problem, just help with the symptoms for a bit.

For the coldsores, dose your body up with Probiotics. Or search here, there are quite a few decent home treatments for them. There are a few things your Doc can do to help, but those are an issue which is often discussed here as even modern medicine doesnt have a sure cure. Nor are they generally life threatening, just annoying and ugly as hell.
See your MD. *

What they said. Do a search for my ruptured eardrum thread if you’re thinking about seeing if it resolves on its own. I appear to have permanent hearing loss.

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What did the Doc say? :confused:

They improved over the weekend so I’ve not been to the doctor.