Weird Quirks You Have?

Same. When my Wife and I say we are meeting for dinner after work (coming from opposite directions and distances) we will pull in within a minute of each other. It’s almost creepy.

Went to a doctors appointment yesterday, one hour away from my house. Pulled into the parking lot 3 minutes before the appointment. Park, one flight of stairs and down a short hall and bingo, right on time.

Well, it’s quite labor-intensive, as you have to pick up the clip and put it on the bag, so I can see how that would seriously interfere with your day. :laughing:

Nitpick: R.B. Greaves.

So your quirk is you’re always late? Because I don’t have a quirk that means I arrive any place I’m due 10 minutes early…

Another quirk of mine: the lost cause that distinguishes between being nauseous and being nauseated, which, old school, is the difference between being poisonous and poisoned.

See also “Luddites were not technophobes”

I put my socks on standing up.

True, but you can be both at the same time.

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I’m on the Autism spectrum but I don’t know exactly where. The initial diagnosis came when I was ~10 years old but my parents never submitted me for a proper differential diagnosis.

Relatively recently, I learned about the link between Autism and hyperacusis. I’ve never dealt with certain loud noises very well, the popping of balloons in particular. Other than those for family members, I remember being at only one birthday party when I was little because I refused to participate in balloon-popping games.

What’s worse is that the popping of balloons has a tendency to stick with me, like a very misguided version of survivor syndrome.

Hmm. Maybe? Luddites as highly skilled workers on the world’s leading technology smashed the new looms because the machinery was brought in to reduce the workforce might have been frightened of I don’t know what other new technology?

Well, if I puked in front of you, the difference suddenly wouldn’t matter to you. :smiling_imp:

You are obviously not a senior citizen like me.

Since it would likely make me barf, it would mean you were both nauseous and nauseated!

I do this too (not Frank Zappa specifically, but the general idea of keeping Excel documents listing stuff). It’s so quirky that I don’t like admitting it to anyone in real life, and will even try to keep other people from seeing what I’m doing, but since I’m mostly anonymous here I’ll own up to it.

Chip clip is minor, but not a total non-issue. If I’m doing something on autopilot and something goes “wrong” it’s like a mini shock to my system. It takes a while for me to process the interruption (and sometimes I don’t process it at all.) It’s hard to explain. It’s like every time I go to put away some food and I remember that damned chip clip has to go on the bag, my brain comes to a screeching halt and I’ve got whiplash. This is one way I experience ADHD.

My three-year-old autistic son apparently has this, but it depends on the sound. We were at a kid’s birthday party and the kids started popping all the balloons and he didn’t seem to mind. But he hates the blender and vacuum. A few weeks after the party, we were in a crowded dining venue and he freaked. He curled up in a little ball and put his hands over his ears. I can relate to some extent. I’m completely overwhelmed by crowded places myself. I felt bad for him. We won’t be taking him to restaurants again anytime soon. At least not until he’s got a set of noise-cancelling headphones.

And nauseating? :laughing:

Well that puts a different spin on the conversation.

My gf is 64, and shaves her legs standing up in her shower. She also puts socks and shoes on standing up.

Vacuum cleaners and crowds can be problematic for me as well, specifically with my right ear. Certain noises create an uncomfortable buzzing noise / feeling in that ear and those can make such noises.

I’m 67, I put my socks on standing up. I make a point of it, to practice balancing on one foot.

I obsessively mute all commercials the second they come on when watching tv. This drives other family members bonkers for some reason. You’d think they’d be thanking me.