Weird Quirks You Have?

Good for you. At 70, I can no longer perform that feat, although my balance is still pretty good.

I wouldn’t get cable without DVR… I refuse to watch commercials and poison myself. If I had kids, I wouldn’t allow them to watch that garbage either.

I eat a banana in the morning as part of my breakfast. That’s not the quirk.

The quirk is that it reminds me of this clip, where a Japanese baseball player explains that “Monkeys don’t cramp” because they eat bananas.

So my quirk is to always start my morning by saying to myself, in a bad accent, “Monkeys don’t cramp” when I eat my morning breakfast.

And being boring and bored.

I just deleted a long (funny?) reply after thinking I read “Monkeys don’t CRAP”


I have some auditory quirks that I assume are related to my own ASD. A sudden noise can cause me near-physical pain: scrape a chair against the floor unexpectedly and it’s like someone poked my brain with an icepick. But I’m fine with a loud rock concert, and I listen to a lot of music that, to be charitable, sounds like someone knocked over the china cabinet.

(sidebar: best wishes to your son…it may not seem like it, but he’s fortunate to have been diagnosed at such a young age. I wasn’t until I was 35.)

Thank you. I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until I was 34 and I definitely did not want to put my kid through a lifetime of struggling without knowing why.

I’m sure I’ve posted this one before. If I use a cup or dish or utensil, and put it on the kitchen counter next to the sink, it’s ok to reuse it for something else later. But once it goes in the sink, it’s “dirty” and I have to get a clean one.

I mean, once it’s in the sink, you might pour something nasty on it, or the sink might have dirty water in it… that’s not a quirk, that’s just common sense. The sink is a potentially unhygienic, partially-obscured environment. I wouldn’t use anything from there, either.

I agree. I’m not getting sick over 2 cents… I’ve had food poisoning before, and it’s pretty bad, but what if it fell during an important event in my life?

Heh, I’m the same way, to the point of being a bit overcautious. But I’ve disassembled the plastic pipes under the sink a few times to unclog the drain, and I know how nasty it can get down there, even when it looks perfectly clean from up here.

It makes me shudder to hear about people defrosting a steak or something in the sink. It might be okay in a sealed container, but then again you wouldn’t need a sink for that.

Airplane shadows.

They seem to pass directly over me or quite close waaay too often. A week ago I had one pass right over me and another right in front of me a day later. One passed right in front of me two days ago. And I don’t spend that much time outside.

It’s been going on for years and in different locales. It just doesn’t seem within the laws of probability that I should experience these so often. It definitely feels like an omen or some such. And I mean “feel”. Logically I know they don’t mean diddly. But they still give me some sort of creepy feeling. I don’t know why.

This reminded me of something that I’m sure I posted on these boards previously. I have a set of 13 bike rides that I complete every year (they’re designed for difficulty, so it’s kind of a challenge). Of these, one is out and back, one is a figure of eight, and the remaining 11 are all anti-clockwise. That wasn’t planned - it was just something I realized one day. Now that, I grant you, is a weird quirk.

I tried to find my previous posting of that, and I couldn’t; but I did find an old post where I confessed to a - uh, let’s call it a superstition - which is this: every fall, I must catch a falling leaf whilst out riding a bike. I mean, whilst actually riding. But that’s for good luck, so that’s not a weird quirk.

When I’m overshadowed by a 'plane, that’s good luck too.


If I heard a song first on a commercial, it’s doomed for me for the future, no matter how much I end up liking that artist/band. I remember the first time I heard Bob Seger’s “Like a Rock” on the radio, I thought, “This is a commercial song” but I like a lot of his other stuff. Maybe it’s the association with buying bullshit we don’t need?

I refuse to use Siri, Alexa, et. al. for exactly the same reason. I just feel really weird trying to talk to a computer.

I typically keep about 1,000 images on my rotating desktop background (it auto-switches to a new image every minute.) Each image contains notes of something I need to be reading, such as some development in the war in Ukraine, an upcoming human-resources exam I’ll be taking, some health tip about gum disease, my flight itinerary for upcoming travels, career advice from other people, etc.

When I eat my meals, it’s usually in front of the computer, reading these backgrounds. It’s a never-ending slideshow. I got into the habit about ten years ago and have been doing this ever since. I often spend 2-3 hours per day reading the background slideshow.

I can’t watch movies with fake accents. Mostly because they’re never good.

I think this is pretty cool.

thats way too tight a timing for me … I mean come on … 3 min. of “slop” in a 60 min. ride … thats 5% … I need to be there at least 10 min early to be comfortable … b/c … you know … you might not find parking, spill coffee on myself, blow a head-casket or run into one of those countless zombie apokalypses …

shakes fist at you

Yeah, I’m usually 10 minutes early. It’s funny though, when meeting my wife for dinner yesterday afternoon, we walked in at literally the same time. She had walked a few blocks from work. I had 1/2 hour drive.

I stepped out of my car, saw my Wife and just walked in right behind her. Not more than 10 feet away. It’s almost kinda creepy. But also very cool and convienent.

This happens all the time with my wife and I.