Weird spam sender names

I don’t remember the last name, but I got one the other day named Pellagra. Let’s call her Pellagra Q. Jones. The reason this is funny is because once as a child I named a doll Pellagra, until my mother made me change it since it was “wrong” to name a doll after a deficiency disease. :smiley:

Now they’re getting artsy:

Purcell R. Stravinsky

My favorite:

Jugglers K. Shortsighted
And also:

Evolved L. Demanded

Ineluctable V. Ahmad

Shari Champagne

Riverside O. Forgets

Series C. Birdie
Please enlighten me. Why exactly do they do this? It just makes them easier to detect and delete. Why not do random “normal” names?

I remarked on this a few weeks ago, and it sank like a damn rock.

I enjoyed Underbrush P. Chumminess. If that doesn’t have W.C. Fields written all over it, I don’t know what does.

Woohoo, got another one.

Earthling F. Microscope.

This morning:

**SeymourDicks T. HanSolo **

No, no, I was wrong. That is what I’m naming my first child. :slight_smile:

They have a name generator program that signs their spam with different names in an attempt to bypass spam filters.

That’s also why you get spam with a wierd paragraph of seeming random text in it.

Yes, well, that’s obvious isn’t it? No human could come up with these names, no matter how deranged they are.

Okay, sorry for the resurrect, but I got one this morning that was just too good not to share.

Persecutor O. Humanity