Weirdest Slash References

Penn’s a murloc?

Is there any Sauron/Witch King of Angmar slash out there?

Michael Jackson’s Dangerous

or maybe that Carole King live album.

I believe that the last time this topic came up, as it were, the winner was an example of Harry Potter/giant squid slash.

No, I have no intention of searching for it. :dubious:

I’ve read superman/lex luthor slash.

You can imagine it; I’ve seen it. Several versions.

It’s a very new thread.

How about Freddy/Jason? Now that would be slash fiction! :smiley:

FREDDY: “I knew it was true love . . . when twelve bystanders died from the foreplay!”

“The most dramatic form of textual paching is ‘slash’ fiction, as in the Kirk/Spock (pronounced ‘Kirk slash Spock’) erotic tales written by female Star Trek fans[…] In search of information on the Web about Pokémon’s ‘missing episodes,’ I happened on “Lost Episodes,” […] which turned out to be a Misty/Ash ‘slash’ site[…]”
excerpted from Joseph Tobin, “Rise and Fall of the Pokémon Empire.” Pikachu’s Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon, J. Tobin, ed. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2004. Page 285.

“Slash fiction is a type of fan fiction in which one or more media characters are involved in a homosexual relationship as a primary plot element.”- First sentence of Wikipedia article “Slash fiction” [] (emphasis mine)

I just had to quote the above, since it is a perfect example of the law I came up with: every non-fiction work, no matter how well researched, will have at least one error in it. Although Ash/Misty fan fiction is out there (and it’s no surprise, since Ash and Misty’s relationship was somewhat ambiguious), it is not true “slash fiction.” But I have figured out the most unlikely of slash fiction in the same realm:

Other presumably unlikelies:
Woody/Buzz Lightyear
Homer/Mr. Burns
Charlie Brown/Snoopy

(Thankfully, I’ve spared you some of the bad puns I came up with while thinking of some of these.)

:smack: That reminds me. How could I have forgotten Bugs/Elmer ?! With Elmer in drag, yet.

I once wrote a story that had Daria Morgendorffer checking out Carmen Sandiego’s legs. How’s that for weird?

I was going to say Bugs/Elmer, but Bugs has dressed up in drag to trick Elmer so many times that he probably thinks they are a couple by now. Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh. (That’s supposed to be Elmer’s laugh- it’s hard to type it out without making it look like Beavis and Butt-head’s. Ooh! There’s one, Beavis/Butt-head.)

That’s not weird, that’s practically canon!


I’m gonna have to go with My Little Pony / Carebears slash. Anything after that, I automatically have to bleach my brain.

Somehow, that doesn’t sound so weird. I can just see the two of them as youths at the Time Lord Academy, modeled on the old British “fagging” system, with the Doctor stuck with being the Master’s fag: “I am the Master, you will obey”.

Wikipedia isn’t gospel; there’s actually a lot of debate about what constitues slash within the fan community. Some people use slash to refer to the romantic pairing of any couple (hetero or homosexual) that isn’t canon while others reserve the term exclusively for homosexual pairings and use “ship” (short for relatgionships) for heterosexual couples.

Actually, during the last election Kerry/Edwards slash became somewhat popular. There were even a couple of livejournal communities devoted to it.


I hate you. And I love you.

Apologies for the sequential post…

I actually read a Doctor/Master slashfic featuring the Fifth Doctor and the Master. And indeed, it was heavily into D/s. But then again, it would pretty much have to be, wouldn’t it?

A few years back a mailing list I was on gradually evolved into a U2 slash list. That was weird. Mostly Bono/Edge from what I recall, but pretty much every pairing (or more) possible came up before I gave up on the list and left.


So many beloved characters…so many poor, abused continuities…and so, so many sexual positions!

Seriously, I guess I can live with most slash (it’s no worse than my particular perversions, after all), but the ones that really freak me out are the inter-species ones. Like Louis Wu/Random Kzin (Kzin… kzin don’t have penises, much. It’s… it’s not right.) Or, for that matter, Harry Potter/Giant squid.


“I’ve got a homosexual agenda of my own, Pat.”

I remember hearing a Nixon/Kissinger slash several years ago: The missing 18 minutes.

“Henry, pick up the soap.”
“Dick, ve don’t haf time for dis.”
“Dammit, just pick up the soap, Henry.”