Well dang. If you didn't think Scott Adams was a piece of shit before, just look at him now!

Good. Let him try his hand at marketing his whatever to the racists for a living. I think he’s going to notice a pay cut.
(I wouldn’t call it grifting if one is selling what one and the buyers both believe in. No trickery required.)

And in case any Republican Racism-Is-Just-Alright-With-Me motherfucker wants to chime in using the word “cancelled”, sounds like he is being fired. That’s the word for it. Fired for being a racist douchebag. Sorry if you think it’s a bad thing that being a racist douchebag will get you fired.

I’m not sorry at all for people who think that way. Honestly, that’s kind of a tie for the top two reasons to not want to work with them or employ them.

The apparent mental and moral decline of Scott Adams makes me really sad. Back around 1994, when he was the admired author of a ground-breaking new comic strip that lampooned corporate culture, I wanted to include his strips in the newsletter I published for the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia.

The was pre internet, obviously, and I was in Jakarta, so I tracked him down through old fashioned research means and wrote him a snail mail letter asking if we could reprint some of his comics and who/how much we’d have to pay to keep things legit.

I got a personal letter back from him granting us permission to use his strips at no charge! I was impressed and grateful and thought he must be a nice guy.

He must have thought you were white.

Classic Dilberts have disappeared from GoComics as well. They were there yesterday and now they’re gone.

I’ll say the quiet part out load. Dilbert was never funny; I’ve always hated it.

I would question this. Becoming a conservative media figure might be considered a success for somebody who would otherwise not be a success at all. But Adams is somebody who has enjoyed mainstream success. For him, dropping down to being a niche figure is a loss.

Agreed. This isn’t cancel culture. This is consequences culture.

Once you have enough money, acting like a douche can be consequences-free enough.

He may well be able to earn enough working the RW “thought leader” gig to offset much of what he’s losing now or has already lost.

Dilbert was funny for a few years, about twenty years ago, in a unidimensional way. Scott seems to have been following The Way of the Weasel since. Littile known fact^, Scott and Cecil Adams are brothers who have not spoken to each other for forty years.

^Cecil is a fictional character who fell out with Scott over who inherited the family collection of Ayn Rand memorabilia. Perhaps.

When Scott actually worked for a large corporation, he often complained about things that bother many people at large corporations in amusing ways. I don’t think he’s been funny except for redoing old ideas since he left his wellfont of inspiration.

Except, i did enjoy him making fun of how the lucent logo looks like a coffee stain.

Eh, I’m recently into my 60s and at worst I get OKBoomer-ed every now and then. So I can flatter myself I’ve avoided whatever took Scott down.

I had my doubts about him when I first checked one of his other books, don’t recall if “Principle” or a Dogbert’s Guide to something or other and found something “off” about it. It was a good while later that someone pointed out to me and I agreed, that Dilbert was not a takedown of corporate capitalism per se, but more the lines of “Why are people dumber than US in the management if the system is supposed to reward success??”

Having grown to scorn the “mainstream” he will conclude that is the result of that mainstream doing him wrong, the pointyhairs and Catberts settling scores with him when he refused to please them.

I don’t think Adams has reached the point where he doesn’t worry about income. He’s said that one of the reasons he started his podcasts was to replace the income he expected to lose as newspapers declined. So it’s ironic that his podcasts now appear to be causing his income to decline.

Well, now he can go on faux noos and complain about how he’s been cancelled and he has no way to speak out.

When I worked there we called it, “The flaming hemorrhoid of quality.”

Dilbert was funny for a while. Inconsistently though. He tried and failed to expand the scope of the comic past management stupidity embodied in the pointy haired boss. The whole thing should have been over years ago. Won’t miss it at all.

Good. That saves me the trouble of dropping it from my feed.

Without having read through the thread, is there a reason to ascribe this to anything other than:

  • He has an eloquence, and
  • He has an audience

But, apart from that, he’s just your garden-variety Fox/Newsmax/OAN viewer – the very definition of saying the quiet part out loud?