In short, a great rugby player has expressed, and stood by his beliefs that his god will consign a wide range of people to a fiery fate.
Why yes, homosexuals, atheists and adulterers are included…how did you guess? Also idolators which I guess rules out anyone from any other religion apart from his. Tough luck Quakers!
As a result, sponsors have been deserting him and his national team have terminated his lucrative contract.
His views seem very clear and apologetically horrific and I while I’m happy to give him all the freedom he wants to express it without legal sanction, I equally happy to see him chucked out, his dark-age views seem incompatible with a team sport that, presumably, must see him line up with a fair few of those he’d be willing to see burn (in a spirit of what I assume must be christian love of a kind)
That’ll be great for team spirit then!