Well, I likely have cancer [update: no, I don't]

If you don’t want prayers, pretend I said good thoughts for your comfort and full recovery.


Best wishes for a successful treatment process and speedy recovery!!

Good luck, etc.

If you don’t mind my asking, will you be fitted with a prosthetic (placeholder) replacement, like they sometimes do for dogs?

Seconded. All the best to the two of you.

And all the best to Asimovian and wonky.

I was on the B-1B flight test program. One of the test pilots (actually, he wasn’t the pilot or co-pilot, but whatever) had testicular cancer. The damaged organ was removed, and IIRC he was flying again six months later.

My thanks to everyone thus far for the comments, and in particular, the sharing of personal experiences. I am truly grateful. And no, I’m not turning down any prayer, wishes, thoughts, vibes, winning lottery tickets, peach cobbler, or anything else positive being tossed my direction.

I inquired about a prosthesis. I have zero clue whether that’s something that’ll be important to me. But the urologist suggested that we wait and see. The problem, apparently, is that if I do indeed have cancer, there’s an issue with potential infection of the prosthesis. I’m very much not a fan of surgery and would prefer things to be all done at once if I’m going to go that route, but I understand his concern. Cancer first; I’ll deal with the rest later if I need to.

Best wishes for a full recovery. Thank Goodness it was caught early and is treatable.

It occurred to me too late to edit that it was awfully soon for me to be asking side questions purely out of interest. My apologies for being insensitive, and here’s hoping for a fully successful result.

I’ve been on this board for [del]15[/del] 13 years, and no one twisted my arm about starting this thread. I didn’t and don’t see anything improper about asking questions on a topic I put out there for people to read, so your apology is appreciated, but completely unnecessary.

And thanks for the hope!

Good luck, Asimovian :). The son of one of my former bosses had testicular cancer( caught early as a youngish man in his 20’s )and last I heard he was still going strong ~15 years later with no relapses.

I’m sorry to hear it, and glad you caught it early.

Sending good vibes. Scary stuff, and being in the “still not certain” phase is frustrating as hell, but I’m glad to hear that they found it early, and that the prognosis is very good.

I personally didn’t find it insensitive; that’s very important for men.

I’ll be the first to admit that after my first surgery, the first thing I remember doing when I woke up in the PACU was reach for the left side of my chest to see if my breast was still there. (It was, and is.) There are women who flat-out refuse to have a mastectomy unless they can have an immediate reconstruction, and these are wishes which must be accommodated.

Stay strong. You have my prayers to the universe. Tell those little fuckers, (the cancer cells) to get the hell out and stay out.:mad:

Jonathan Chance, if you don’t mind me asking, what flavor of TC did you have? I just watched an informative video about how the post-orchiectomy treatment varies depending on the type of cancer (and stage, of course).

It’s interesting trying to strike a balance between using Google to answer questions without overly relying on Google searches and getting into dangerous territory. I really wish I could have a Bat-phone directly to my urologist as questions keep occurring to me.

AVOID Dr. Google. Yeah, I was told that, and I disregarded it, and I’m telling you as someone who has BTDTWTT to do that yourself. And don’t use Dr. You Tube either.

The possibilities were especially daunting for me as a pharmacist, because I’ve seen chemotherapy kill too many people outright. I wasn’t all that concerned about the short-term side effects (hair grows back, nausea and vomiting end and can be managed better than ever nowadays, etc.) as I was about the long-term effects. My brother and his wife had a friend (she has since died from something else; see footnote) who had to have a full-mouth extraction about a decade after her cancer treatment, because of the chemo, and I also have a distant relative who had a heart transplant because of what one of the drugs did to her cardiac muscle.

Footnote: This woman was VERY happy to find out that she had cancer. You’re probably wondering why anyone would be happy to have cancer. In her case, she was having difficulty walking, and the first thing they looked at was ALS. That was ruled out, and a CT or MRI revealed that she had lymphoma in her spinal column. At least that could be treated, and she was also declared cured.

A genomic test on my tumor indicated that I would not need or benefit from chemotherapy. I knew the news was good when my oncologist walked into the room with a big smile on his face.

Fingers crossed for you, Asimovian.

Best wishes to you and wonky. I’m glad you’re going to be okay. (I just know these things).

Best wishes to a fellow Asimovian.

What day are you being admitted, Asimovian? How long will they keep you in? Will you recover for a while in there, or are they going to send you home as soon as possible? Thinking of you. Try to have a good weekend and not stress about it. :slight_smile:

As for information, I recently had some “issues” and I found some good, useful and reliable information on other doctors’ or hospitals’ websites. If you are thinking of questions now, write them down and give them to your surgeon/urologist/whoever. You won’t remember when you get there and they are bustling around organising things and popping in and out and afterwards you’ll be a bit dopey from the medications. Also, have your wife or another unaffected person there to hear the answers, because it can be hard to absorb things you are told when you are anxious, or medicated.