I said I woke up this morning
The coffee pot was broke
I need a shot of caffeine
Guess I’ll have a Diet Coke
OK, so a broken coffee maker doesn’t make for a very good blues tune, but it’s still enough to ruin your morning.
The timer is supposed to start it around 5:40 am so that when my alarm goes off at 6, the coffee is ready. I went in this morning and the coffee maker was on, but the pot was empty and the warmer was cold. So no coffee this morning - had to wait until I got to work.
On the other hand, I never liked this coffee maker very much. My SIL bought it for us for Christmas a few years ago. Now I can pick out a new coffee maker of my own!
AB, are you saying you repair things? You’re my hero! Twenty years use from an appliance? What planet did I wake up on this morning? I might have to start drinking coffee.
I had three coffee makers with a timer, two that quit working properly and one that caught fire. (Smoke detector and granite countertop prevented tragedy.) I then bought a low cost regular ol’ coffee maker and a $5 timer to plug into the outlet. Lasted over ten years and still use both although not together any more. (Retired. Don’t need coffee to be ready when I get up. Whenever that may be.)
We received a Braun coffeemaker as a wedding present. It was awesome and brewed 8 cups of coffee every day for 14 years until its demise. Sadly, by then Braun no longer sold coffeemakers in the US. Since then, we have gone through 4 coffeemakers in 6 years. Expensive ones and cheap ones. They keep dying. I miss the Braun.
What the hell do you mean it doesn’t make for a very good blues tune? Look, you just didn’t get to the part where you were late to work because you went through a Starbucks drive through to get your fix. And you got fired for being late. So you drove home, got home early, and found your wife in bed with your best friend.
And somewhere in there, you had a fender bender. And your dog just up and died.
Sheesh, your blues song just writes itself. The hard part is deciding whether to write it in E or G.
You want a hard blues song? I tried writing one for Astigmatic Prescott, who had the blues because his polo pony needed to be reshod and his preferred farrier was vacationing in Europe. And the ashtray in his Bentley was almost full. Even making a slide from a bottle of Macallan 1926 Fine and Rare didn’t help the song.
“I have the upper class blues, and I’m feeling somewhat distressed”
AB, Thank You! My Kitchenaid is biting the dust slowly but surely (surprise surprise), and I now have a decent alternative that won’t break the bank!
FWIW, I use an Aeropress on weekends and have been very happy with the coffee it puts out.
Not everyone likes this, but if you can get very finely ground Turkish coffee (finer than espresso grind), you can use it almost like instant coffee, with the bonus that it actually tastes like regular coffee. It also the Polish technique for making coffee. The standard Turkish/Greek technique involves boiling the coffee and water in an ibrik/briki/cezve, but you can just put a tablespoon of Turkish coffee in a mug, pour boiling water over it, stir, wait a few minutes, and drink. The ground will naturally settle to the bottom if they are the right grind. I just either buy pre-ground Turkish coffee in a bag or tin, or I go to the Middle Eastern places near my folks’ house and have them grind it from whole beans on the spot. I also have a French press for my regular ground coffee, but if I just want a quick cup, I go the Polish-Turkish style.
That’s disappointing to hear, since I just bought a KitchenAid last night to replace the dead Mr Coffee. But hey, at least I had coffee ready and waiting for me this morning. Maybe I should start saving now for the next replacement, three or four years down the road.