Well, I'm a Grandpa!

Congratulations, Grandpa! And where are the pictures?
When my former doctor became a grandfather for the first time, he went around telling everybody it was great except for one thing – he had to sleep with a grandmother. His wife told him that could be fixed.

Enjoy the little one. And be sure to save the stories of how he peed on you, to tell him and his friends later.

Congratulations! Are you going to be the cool grandpa that takes him fishing and camping and on road trips when he’s a little older?


It took her 24 hours, kinda slow.

Congrads Gramps.

What’s a 9 year old doing having kids?

Man, kids these days … :frowning:

no, was not whoosed, I understand that she has older children that provided her with the grandchildren.

My dad had to wait until he was sixty-five to be a grandpa. He was starting to get worried. I’ll never forget the look on his face when we heard the kid crying(we’d snuck down the hospital corridor and were eavesdropping at the door where my sister was in labor.)

Nah, you’re probably a granddude (post 82). I myself am a greatuncledude x 2.

p.s. how the heck do you cite to an individual post?

You have now entered the absolute best time of your life! Take notes and make a jillion photos. I wrote about the day one of my granddaughters was born in great detail including the kind of remark you made in the baby’s ear. Then I gave it to her when she graduated from high school. She wrote to me that it was the only gift that really meant anything to her.

And remember, grandparents never say, “NO!”

BTW, have you noticed that you have a long gray hair growing out of the mole on your chin?


It was growing out of my earlobe! Sonavabitch was almost 2 inches long!:eek:
And it seems to have sprung up overnight! Where did that come from?

You’re a dude?

Yow really need to teach your grandchildren The Shocker.

Meh - it don’t matter! I still think you’re hot! :smiley: Congrats, dude!!