Well, looks like I'm welcoming a new feline overlord...

Sadly Sassy didn’t make it.

She started to go downhill last night around 11, I didn’t call the vet as I felt it fairer to let her slip away herself, but she was still there this morning. I took her down to the vet because she’d not had anything to eat or drink (and didn’t want anything) since about 10pm last night. Her heart rate was erratic vet gave her a sedative and she passed away while I was holding her.


Thanks everyone for your responses to the thread xx

Thank you for giving her a warm, loving home during her last days. You’ve done a very kind thing.

I’m so sorry for you and Sassy. But you gave her a wonderful last few days and I’m certain she left much happier than she would have had she not found you.

I’m sorry that she didn’t make it. At least she had a time of love and comfort, which is definitely more than she’d had before. And really, all cats want from us is love and comfort.

Just reached out to pet my own boyo. & I know how bad it sucks to get attached & then loose a kitty. HUGS
RIP Sassy. You were a good kitty.

Oh, I’m so sorry. :frowning: I kept checking in with this thread, following the ups and downs, and hoping desperately that the little one would fight her way past all this. As the others have said, at least it’s comforting to know that she spent her last days surrounded by love. Sometimes that’s all you can do, and I’m sure it meant a lot to her.

RIP, little Sassy. :frowning:

Awww, I’m so sorry she didn’t make it. You are a stand-up person and even though her life was short, you still saved her. She had warmth, love, food, medical care and someone to hold her. If there were more people like you, the world would be a much better place.


RIP Sassy.

You did good, Corcaigh. Sassy will have sweet dreams now.

I’m sorry, Corceigh. Not for Sassy - you gave her a far better end than she would’ve had else wise. I"m sorry for the loss you feel. You did good - there is a prayer that ends “God grant me a restful night and a peaceful death.” You gave Sassy that.


I’m so sorry. You did all you could and kept her happier and more comfortable than she would otherwise have been (I know from experience that doesn’t make you feel much better right now).

i’m so sorry.

sassy got into all of our hearts. i’m very glad and thankful that you gave her love, soft spots, and fun.


(offers sympathetic hug)

Well damn. I’m so sorry the kitty didn’t make it. But as someone consoled me when I lost a dog I picked up not long before, at least she had a good time for a while, and knew love and concern.

I wish I knew what happens when pets die. I really hope we get to see them again, and if it does happen I’m sure Sassy will be there waiting for you, as young and kittenish as ever. Bless you for your love and caring.

'Scuse me, I have something in my eyes.

Thanks for giving her love. I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m so sorry - you did good to give her a chance, big hugs to you.


Thanks everyone.

I keep looking down to make sure I’m not going to step on her (she’d a thing for chasing my feet) and I’m not having to reach passed her to type, which feels very strange.

I’m going to miss her forever. I hope there is a heaven for kittehs and she’s playing these with the all the other cats who were part of my life :heart:

I’m certain she’ll be part of the crew waiting for you at the Bridge, since you WERE her human, even if only for a very short time, and will have fun with your other cats in the meantime.

The kitty was loved. :frowning: My condolences.

I’m so very sorry for your loss. She was cared for and loved at the end. She’s lucky she found you, and her brief life was a lesson in hope, resilience, even joy. You did right by her, Corcaigh.