Well... now that's a street fight!

I had no idea where this was goinguntil the alleged victim joined the fray.

This is Spadina (Chinatown) in Toronto.

Meant to say, totally understandable scene …

astro, I’ve told you before not to post OPs that are nothing more than a random link.

I will tell you again.

Do not post OPs that are nothing more than a random link.


twickster, MPSIMS moderator

Reopened at request of Shakes.

And of course, since twickster was kind enough to reopen this thread, I’m sure my post will be the one that kills it anyway. :smack: (Thanks, though)
OK, I already knew I was going to hell for laughing at that, but then when I started reading some of the comments below and laughed even harder, I’m pretty sure I’ve got a front row seat now.

Management position.

At least other people finally stepped in. Not sure the outcome.

Thieves suck balls.

Was the disabled guy biting the black guy?


And as a terrible thing to say, I was half expecting him to get in that large green backpack and be carried away. I was wondering if it was all a Jackass type set up.

Just for my own American edification… which aspect of it do you not find surprising?

Why do people shoot video in portrait mode? The videographer’s an ass.

ETA: yeah, what drastic already pointed out.

He means strange shit happens on Spadina. It just does. :eek:

Had to look it up but, of course, The Legendary Horseshoe Tavern is right there at Spadina and Queen. There are some “interesting” things that go on in that area. We did relays to make sure none of our gear was left unattended(not even for a second) during load in&out because there were junkies everywhere.

The Reaver(Capt)

Move over in that handbasket.

Dude! You played the Horseshoe? Your sig should be:

Oh yeah? Well I played the fuckin’ Horseshoe! :cool:

All right, we’ll call it a draw.

Come back you pansy, I’ll bite your legs off!

What are you going to do, bleed on me?

Where is the black guy talked about in the description? If they mean the guy in black, he is just dirty.

I hope to have as much fight in me as the dude in the wheelchair, I mean he isn’t helpless.

I feel as though thief=black to some people. That guy wasn’t African American as far as I could tell.