Well, That Was A Little Unexpected

Ignorance fought. Thank you.

You ran into Barbara Bush Sr?

:confused: Who’s Bob Guccione?

Anyone else reminded of the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where they are opening a new restaurant and the head cook has these sorts of outbursts?

Well, he has one such fit of prolific swearing on opening night in front of all the guests. As they sit in stunned silence, Larry is reminded of a young man he met who shaved his head so that his “bald” friend (who had undergone chemo therapy) wouldn’t feel out of place at school. He proceeds to start stringing curse words together loudly as well, and soon enough he has the whole restaurant doing it.

The deep-voiced smut mag publisher…I want to say Penthouse, but I don’t think that’s it. I also don’t believe in smut. Just a descriptor.

“I’m sick of the mother fing snakes in this mother fing art center!”

Yep, if you’re talking about Sr. Jr’s got Spin magazine, took it over from his pop.